Monday, July 10

American Pie: Band Camp Review

When it was announced Band Camp will come straight on DVD, it would be just an after thought. I didn't rent this, I saw it on TBS. One would think Eugene Levy would just cash a check and get it over it but he did pretty good here. I didn't see American Pie 3 but this is pretty decent for a straight-to-dvd teen movie.

Matt Stifler (Tad Hilgenbrinck) is the lead in this movie, an abnoxious football player (guess their school no longer has Lacrose) who gets sent to Band Camp by the now counselor Sherman (Chris Owen) after causing a prank on the band. Tad can actually drive a movie, even how unfriendly the character can be. He mostly immitates Sean William Scott's grimmiances but still masters to not be a total jerk. They also try to meld some Jim into the character by getting him to be a sex crazy animal, jacking off in public places twice.

I don't know how old Tad is but I don't know why they didn't have Eli Marienthal who actually played his brother but the role was just called 'Stifler's Brother.' Maybe they thought he looked too young, he was 19 when it was filmed anyway.

Eugene is in the movie because the character of Michelle was asked to be coordinator but because she got pregnant and he took her place. Well, he is welcomed prescence in the movie and always believes in Matt even though the others do. They even have the guy (Timothy Stack) from Sun of The Beach in the movie but bascially wasted here. Of course Matt has a love interest... Elyse (John Tucker Must Die's Arielle Kebbel) who used to be friends with him but years ago and she is the captain of the band. So Matt being a 'bad boy', he tapes the girls without knowing to make a video 'Bandies gone wild.'

This is the only picture where I found that Tad wasn't smiling or looking goofy. So yeah, the movie is good guilty pleasure movie because it doesn't really force things on you but it is pretty sex crazed.