A certain athlete who made remarks that were widely categorized as homophobic visited a non-profit GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trangender) organization in Miami a few months ago. This specific organization centers around communication and being authentic, not concentrating on 'us versus them.' The organization's leader asked the individual to come to a two-day workshop concentrating on communication this weekend. This individual's rep called and said the individual would like to speak to the workshop's audience (saying how much the individual has changed)--which wasn't exactly part of the workshop. Not only did they want this, they wanted the workshop to be moved to another day, and to just be one day. The organization's leader did not budge, said it could not be done. Then the rep wanted the leader to tell the local newspaper that the individual was great and attended the event. The organization believed if the individual did not attended this crucial and life-changing workshop, this requested public comment would just fuel the fire if the individual did not have the proper tools to deal with criticism, similar to the one the individual was accused of in the first place. This individual did not attend the event. So right now, it is all in a stand still.