The newly-touted sitcom 'Notes From The Underbelly' from ABC (Premieres this Thursday 12th at 10pm) that is supposed to be like 'Sex and the City': Afterwards. It is loosely based on Rise Green's novel. The creator of the show Stacy Truab did 'What I Like About You.' It is about sex-heavy couples that suddenly find themselves pregnant and how their friends deal with it. Critics love this show and I believe its a vehicle mostly for Rachael Harris ('The Daily Show') where she can continued her snarky sarastic blonde Lisa Loeb-glasses shtick. She has been struggling since leaving The Daily Show like on Kristie Alley's failed 'Fat Actress' while being seamlessly replaced by Samantha Bee. Entertainment Weekly critic Gillian Flynn seems not to like the character of Julie (Melanie Paxson from those Glad trash bag commercials) but the show seems great ad not mamby-pamby pregnancy comedy.
Strangely, the sitcom was meant to debut in November on Tuesdays at 8:30pm. Back when, Entertainment Weekly said that it was one of the most surprising sharpest pilots of the season. What happened? Well, back to back episodes of 24-ish wedding day comedy 'Big Day' to kill it off quickly. So that was canceled so I guess they now decided to bring this in.
I dunno what part Ryan McPartlin (the Mchottie above) plays but he was on 'What I Like About You' (Hmm... connection?), 'Life with Fran' with Fran Drescher as her husband, and Hank Bannett on 'Passions'.