Thursday, March 1

Life and Times of Anthony Castro, Out HS Jock

This is the courageous story of Anthony Castro, an openly gay high school student who died in a car accident, he was a rarity in the not-so-open Californian town of Banning. He loved all sports, especially football. He became friends with the Californians of and joined their weekend team. I think everyone should read his story. I am not really one to be 'oh he had a brillant life' or 'life cut short' or 'he was brave' but he was brave and he lived his life. He went for his passions and that was sports. He just happened to be homosexual. And his life was taken like any other regular person's would, not a hate crime or singled out or a disease which is the stereotype. It's sad for everyone's loss but maybe we can learn a lot from this young individual.