Sunday, August 27

Unknown Hotties of the Week 8/28 Raviv Ullman

Well for this week, I thought i would try something new. While looking up not-so-uknown teeny bop star Raviv Ullman from Phil from the Future, I found some hotties within movies he will be in.

Raviv was born in Isreal and he is Twenty. His upcoming projects are The Big Bad Swim, Normal Adolescent Behavior, Driftwood and That Guy. I find it awesome that he likes his name and is proud of his heriitage. Go cute jews!

Asthon Holmes
He will be in Normal Adolescent Behavior about the sexual exploits of privelaged kids with Raviv. He was in A History of Violence and in One Life to Live. He is 28.

Scott Mechlowicz
Asthon was in The Peaceful Warrior which Scott starred in with Nick Nolte. Scott is 25 and was in Mean Creak with the youngest Culkin and did a mean robot dance on EuroTrip.

in Mean Creak...

Stripping in EuroTrip...

and in the Peaceful Warrior.

Connor Ross
Raviv Ullman is also going to be in the movie Driftwood
about boys in juvie camp, which also stars this cutie. He has been on CSI, 7th Heaven, Surface and Las Vegas. He is 18.

Uknown Hotties of this past month: August 21 | August 14 | August 7th-Birthday Picks | August 1st| The Convenant