Last Sunday at 8:30pm, there was a Family Guy special with cute as a button Seth McFarlane, who self-deprecated himself and the show with actors pretending to be real-life people and defaming the show. It was funny the firs time around but by the end of the special, I felt bad. It felt unjustifiable, especial when one guy said it should be canceled and the show has already been canceled. When this was actually referenced at the end where Seth said "See you in the next 100 episodes... we don't get canceled again for another two and half fucking years." It was delicious. As for the actual episode, it promised to fulfill what we have been supposedly be waiting for... Stewie kills Lois. It wasn't all that funny, it actually took a serious tone. One funny bit was when Stewie tripped on the floor and cried for his mommy... then remembered he had just killed her. lol.