One time, I was filming a woman urging parents to come to a non-profit organization that helps GLBT youth and she would say stuff like 'it is the safe place to talk about this.' Now being an ignorant American, I thought 'she is like saying it isn't safe to talk about gay things' but I was informed that in some places it isn't. Case in point, Iraq. The article details about a man who was forced by his government to spy during Sadam's reign and tell the specific details about other gay/lesbian/transexual people he encountered, even his lover. Some or most would later be shot, slained or disappeared off the face of the Earth. One transexual was burned alive. That is what scares me. The scarry e-mails he gets, the state of refugee he has been forced to take and the many many loop-to-loop perils he has gone through to get out of the country. Hiding in one country to the other with little or no money.
Of course being an optimist, I instantly want to help these poor souls that need to get out of the country. They are getting no help at all. One in the interview compares themselves to the Jews during the Nazi reign. But it all seems impossible and need of the knowledgable, experienced, and willing and unfortunately our government either won't help or won't admit help is needed. The article even indicates that it is still not safe in Iraq during these times because of other groups. I highly suggest to read the article!!!