Sunday, February 25

My Take on the Oscars

Tonight I will be posting a lot about the Oscars, which is the Super Bowl of award shows. I love the Emmys and Golden Globes but the Oscars I look forward to the much. The year after the Titanic, the lay people weren't feeling the Oscars a smuch because there wasn't a movie the could unite for. Last year, I really enjoyed it--of course, it was awesome that Jon Stewart hosted it. He said something that was true, everyone was down- depressed and stressed. He wasn't. I think it was because th tension formed by the nominations. I think it was an injustice that Brokeback Mountain didn't get Best Picture. Don't get me wrong but Crash was awesome and poignant but people didn't think it matched up. But like one-time host Chris Rock said, you can't compare one movie to another, talent to talent. How can you say Will Smith's performance was better than Ryan Gosling? As for, Ellen Degeneres, she has hosted the Emmys way before people found out she was gay--she's cheery, what the Oscars need. Now, is she the first gay person to host the show?