Friday, January 12

Friday Night Lights 1/10 episode Review

The episode 'What to Do While You're Waiting' is a good example of what a good show 'Friday Night Lights' (Wedensdays 8pm, NBC) is. I completely give up on convincing people to watch this show. The series shows the adult characters as equally as the teenagers. These characters have flaws and they have their share of consequences but some are pretty smart. Tyra, who I thought was just a dumb blonde who was screwed over by Tim/Lyla affair but she is quite astute. When her mother's boyfriend hit her, Tyra jumped into action without a moment's pause to kick him down. She then gave an ultimatum to her mother. Then Tim apologized to her and then she said if she would accept him back, she would be a hypocrite. At least some one got brains on this show.