Project G.eeK.eR. was an animated television series that aired on CBS from 1996 to 1997. It was created by Douglas TenNapel, creator of Earthworm Jim, with original music by Shawn Patterson (main title theme by Terry Scott Taylor). TenNapel and Taylor also collaborated on the video games The Neverhood, Boombots and Skullmonkeys, and in 2005, re-united for the Nickelodeon cartoon Catscratch. Despite good ratings, the show was pulled fairly early on in its life when CBS made a major rescheduling change to meet the three hours of educational TV required by the government (although the show was initially listed as an "educational" program).
Set in the future, the show was based around a genetic shapeshifter experiment known as Project GKR (Geno-Kinetic Research), who had been stolen by Lady MacBeth (who has a techno robot arm and is called Becky by Geeker) before he could get the programming he needed to be a deadly and powerful weapon at the hands of the evil Mister Moloch, head of Moloch Industries. Due to the lack of his final programming, "Geeker" is left to be a totally random, permanently salivating, four-fingered idiot. He only occasionally manages to use his powers to any full extent, a blessing and a threat to his friends and their enemies. Lady MacBeth and her partner-in-crime Noah (an intelligent Tyrannosaurus rex that wears a baseball cap) must now prevent Moloch and Geeker's creator Dr. Maston from ever obtaining Geeker at all costs.
It starred well-known voice actors Billy West (Fry from Futurama) as GeeKeR, Cree Summer (Elmyra from Tiny Toons, Penny in Inspector Gadget and Foxxy Love in Drawn Together) as Lady MacBeth, Brad Garrett ("Everyone Loves Raymond") as Noah and Charles Adler as Dr. Maston and Jake Dragonn. I loved this show because it was so smart, complicated and random.
Set in the future, the show was based around a genetic shapeshifter experiment known as Project GKR (Geno-Kinetic Research), who had been stolen by Lady MacBeth (who has a techno robot arm and is called Becky by Geeker) before he could get the programming he needed to be a deadly and powerful weapon at the hands of the evil Mister Moloch, head of Moloch Industries. Due to the lack of his final programming, "Geeker" is left to be a totally random, permanently salivating, four-fingered idiot. He only occasionally manages to use his powers to any full extent, a blessing and a threat to his friends and their enemies. Lady MacBeth and her partner-in-crime Noah (an intelligent Tyrannosaurus rex that wears a baseball cap) must now prevent Moloch and Geeker's creator Dr. Maston from ever obtaining Geeker at all costs.
It starred well-known voice actors Billy West (Fry from Futurama) as GeeKeR, Cree Summer (Elmyra from Tiny Toons, Penny in Inspector Gadget and Foxxy Love in Drawn Together) as Lady MacBeth, Brad Garrett ("Everyone Loves Raymond") as Noah and Charles Adler as Dr. Maston and Jake Dragonn. I loved this show because it was so smart, complicated and random.