Wednesday, April 1

Did I just see Porn on Adult Swim?

Last night, I was about to turn off the television when I stumbled upon... porn on Adult Swim? I kept waiting for the punch line but there was no punch line, which happens sometimes on live-action Adult Swim programming. I only stayed up for a half an hour after Midnight, then a Tim and Eric Segment started, I am not a Tim and Eric fan, so I turned off the TV because I was sleepy. Today I find out this was brought on by Tim and Eric. It was actually a movie that aired on and on until 5:30am called "The Room" directed and starring Tommy Wiseau. It was a pretty soft-core porn, about Lisa (Juliette Danielle) who is to marry Tommy's character Johnny but has jitters and has sexual encounters with other men. Basically her bare breasts are covered with a big black box and sometimes the boxes got bigger and moved around for comedic effect. Even Tommy's ass was covered! There was a real hot guy there... Greg Sestero.

Two clips on Adult Swim

Someone on Wikipedia says:
After a brief run in Los Angeles, the film went on to develop a cult following in the city, because of its perceived unintentional humor. It continues to have monthly midnight screenings. Wiseau promotes the film as a black comedy and insists that the “unintentional” humor is intentional, although audience members generally doubt this. On April 1, 2009, the movie aired on Adult Swim at midnight and 2:30am EDT as the programming service's annual April Fool's joke.