Everyone was talking about last week that Comedy Central put back the South Park episode about Tom Cruise and Scientology on rotation and that it is nominated for an emmy! But, another episode that was unfairly pulled was "Holy Mary" in which a statue of the Virgin Mary bleeds. It will air this Wednesday at 10pm and also Saturday. I am not saying it was a great episode or that it made me squismish but no ep should be pulled, if it aired once, it can air again. Sweet sweet justice.
Explaining the title: I am forty-something Latino who has a fondness for the Japanese culture and speak Spanglish--Spanish and English. Some people say "Span-English" so I mixed it with "Engrish," which is how some Japanese pronounce English.
Monday, July 31
Sunday, July 30
The Pillow Book Review
The 1996 film by Peter Greenway is an utter masterpiece and not for mainstream audiences but if you understand Asian cultures, fetishes and love Ewan McGregor, this is a must get. Vivian Wu (The Joyluck Club) plays Nagiko, a girl infatuated with calligraphy since her father was a writer and wrote her name on her face every birthday. She has a big fetish by having it written on her body and then later writing on men. She eventually meets Jerome (Ewan, in the middle of the movie) an Englishman who is the lover of the publisher who blackmailed her father years ago. So she wants to be published and she also wants revenge on he publisher. The movie is exteremly sexy and dark and funny. The movie mixes English, Chinese and Japanese. Nagiko is Japanese and most of the movie is set in Japan if you were wondering. Most comical, the subtitle translations in English are inaccurate on purpose due to 'babel,' Greenway's whimsy. Now if you can't wrap your head around Nagiko writting books on twelve different naked men (spoiler inviso-text: and her lover being turned into a book), then this movie isn't for you.
DVD: A Movie: A
The Best of She-Ra/Secret of the Sword Review
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, the classic series from the 80's (not the most recent one from four years ago) has recently come out on DVD sets and the last one is almost out. Now She-Ra Princess of Power is making her way on DVD, making me so happy since there will be no new series. The Secret of the Sword is finally making its way and included with top five episodes chose by fans presumably through He-Man.org who is mentioned on the DVD and was intrical (sp) in getting it to DVD. I had to get this! The boxart is astonishing and quality of artwork is flawless. The jacket features She-Ra holding her sword and Hordak, the main villian-the head of the Horde on Etheria.
She-Ra was a spin-off of He-man, almost everything had a cunterpart: He-Man had Eternia while She-Ra had Etheria; He-Man had Orko, She-Ra had Kowl (a talking owl-like creature) & Madam Razz (a Jewish caricature) & her talking broom & the Twiggits; so on and so on. The Secret of the Sword was the five-episode introduction to She-Ra and was turned into a motion picture that actually went to theaters in Spring of 1984--I don't remember, I was one years-old! Anyway the movie on the DVD is actually not great in quality, it probably wasn't restored. And watching it, it is disorientating since it is actually five seperate episodes meshed together. The audio commentary is just awesome done by Filmation creator Lou Scheimer, writer Larry DiTillio, Director Gwen Wetzler and Cringer/Battle Cat/ Skeletor/Swiftwind voice actor Alan Oppenheimer. Alan makes a delightful skit between Skeletor and his 'son' and also Merman's voice.
The Best of She-Ra makes me just want to buy the boxset coming in October, because I can't remember all the episodes and want to see them so badly. The DVD boxset includes two giant art cards, the two I have were drawn by Brandon Peterson and Joe Chiodo and include She-Ra versus Catra, Scorpia versus Frosta and Lookie hidden. The DVD even includes a supposedly never-seen before I Have the Power music video including very few new footage, sheet music sing-a-long and talk from the writer of the song--Lou's daughter who sang it too and also a 20 minute long documentary with others who help make the show. What gets tiring is how much they say they meant it to be a feminist show and how much they wanted it to make it for little girls when I already knew their comments online about trying to make She-Ra 'not a lesbian' and how 'Catra should have been the main villian' which contradicts Larry DiTillio's comments about how empowering it was that She-Ra was part of an rebellion trying to overthrow the authority--Horde. The idea behind the rebellion was that since He-man was the sheriff in Eternia, they wanted to turn the tables and have She-Ra fight aganist the authority, the dictators.
Overall: A-
Prime Review

I am going to be writting a bunch of reviews here but here is one on that recent Uma Thurman/Meryl Streep movie Prime about a 37 year-old woman dating her therapist's 23 year-old son. I thought the movie was going to be more about Uma's character Ralphie but refreshingly it focuses on Dave (One Tree Hill's Bryan Greenberg). He has a best friend who throws pies at women who rejects him (Meet the Parents/House of Wax/Scary Movie's Jon Abrahams). Dave is a talented artist who images his nana hitting herself with a frying pan when he does something she might not approve on. Bryan is hot, not super younger lover hot but has a very warm look. He is also very entertaining and sweet (which Uma doesn't stop saying). Greenberg, his last name, suggests he is Jewish, like his character.

The movie is good but the ending is disappointing. The idea was great but the launch wasn't. The only character seeming to be into giving his all is Bryan. Meryl and Uma seem not give it their all. Meryl's performance barely stands the movie, it is forgotten she is even around. The supporting characters seem to drag the movie down.
Grade: C
Grade: C
Wednesday, July 26
Lance Bass Outed Finally! Too Soon?
We all knew this was coming and with his resmbelance to Ellen Degeneres was one intergator. I think it may a little too soon for him to come out, this is obvious he has been looking for attention. First, that NASA fisaco, second that stupid movie and now this. I wouldn't be surprised if Joey is next...
Here is the article with ABC News
He is going out with Reichen Lehmkuhl from Amazing Race. He is a Former Air Force cadet and broke up with his partner he was with in the Amazing Race.

Or maybe Lance had no choice, ABC News saying he had privacy in a gay bar. Paparazzo and so on.

Here is the article with ABC News

Or maybe Lance had no choice, ABC News saying he had privacy in a gay bar. Paparazzo and so on.

Unknown Hotties 7/27 Round 2--The Covenant

He's 20 years old and looks like he is Hispanic. He plays the 'leader' Caleb.

I mentioned him here. He plays Pogue? What the freak kind of name is that? He's Caleb's right-hand man and confidant. Steven Strait looked like the character he plays here in Sky High.

He is English and he is the 'joker' Reid, makes things hard for the others. He is a newcomer.

Plays Tyler 'the shy one', he was mostly a model until he did a Lietime movie and this one. he kinda looks like Lost's Ian Somerhalder. He is now best known for "Gossip Girl."

He plays the 'new guy' that challanges the four.
Also in the movie...
Who was just a kid in Fox Family's "I was a Six Grade Alien" but recently in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and that Lifetime Vampire show. He Plays Andrew, the bully adversary of the others.

He was in the last season MTV's Undressed and played a gay jock and has a very good look, he plays Andrew's bully buddy.
My Music Rant
I like pop and recently heard the new Justin Timberlake song "Sexy Back" and his voice is synthized so much that it doesn't even sound like him and has some techno feel to it. I could imagine people jamming to this in the club but... for two minutes. It is so repetative and nothing new to it that it just bugs the hell out of you. Also, Timbaland's voice is annoying too, why we got to hear his and not hear Timberlake's silky one?
Jessica Simpson's new song sounds way too happy and a mixmatch song calling back her little sister's mismatch "Pieces of me." It sounds more like a song Paris Hilton may do. The new Paris song is soooo manfucatured, it sounds like a fake voice, I bet you she can't even hold a note.
Jessica Simpson's new song sounds way too happy and a mixmatch song calling back her little sister's mismatch "Pieces of me." It sounds more like a song Paris Hilton may do. The new Paris song is soooo manfucatured, it sounds like a fake voice, I bet you she can't even hold a note.
Monday, July 24
My Test Pilot!!!
Here is the World Premiere and I ain't kidding.
This is my real life family in a sitcom I filmed and edited, in vain of "Arrested Development" and "Sons and Daughters". IT IS NOT A REALITY SHOW. This is to try out a Spanglish (Spanish and English) family sitcom. This is my first try. I imagine if it ever gets to be a real show we want improv actors.
It is called "Mami Please," the basic plot is that my niece and I fight over what we will eat for lunch. The family tree is the following: My mother raised my older deaf sister on her own until she married my father who is 10 years younger than her. My sister had two teenage kids: Melinda, my neice who is helping out my dad who is an accountant at home. Walt, comes in later in this five minute pilot. If ya'll are wondering about my age, I will be 24 in two weeks and been out of college for two years.
Click on iFilm here with more bandwidth, this is the second and final version made on 7/26. Please give me response. I am okay with critiques but I do like detailed comments.
This is my real life family in a sitcom I filmed and edited, in vain of "Arrested Development" and "Sons and Daughters". IT IS NOT A REALITY SHOW. This is to try out a Spanglish (Spanish and English) family sitcom. This is my first try. I imagine if it ever gets to be a real show we want improv actors.
It is called "Mami Please," the basic plot is that my niece and I fight over what we will eat for lunch. The family tree is the following: My mother raised my older deaf sister on her own until she married my father who is 10 years younger than her. My sister had two teenage kids: Melinda, my neice who is helping out my dad who is an accountant at home. Walt, comes in later in this five minute pilot. If ya'll are wondering about my age, I will be 24 in two weeks and been out of college for two years.
Click on iFilm here with more bandwidth, this is the second and final version made on 7/26. Please give me response. I am okay with critiques but I do like detailed comments.
Sunday, July 23
Unknown Hotties of the Week 7/24
He will be 26 in October and born in North Shore, NewZealand. He was even in the Miami Heat from 2003-2004 but wasn't even in the NBA and then he was cut.
Saturday, July 22
First Transformers. Now this? Hot Wheels Live Action?
While Steven Spielberg is working on a Transformers movie, now there will also be a Hot Wheels movie from Colombia Pictures and directed by McG (Charlie's Angels movies and Fastlane). No cast as officially been announced but IMBD has two people on their site but you know you can't trust everything on that site. One being Masayuki Deai (Bouken Silver) and another Kirby Morrow.

Update on Ross Thomas

Friday, July 21
Date Movie Review

Saw Date Movie today. Yes, it is stupid and you expect it to be. And not entirely funny. Mostly disgusting moments. Like many recent spoof movies much like Not Another Teen Movie and Scary Movie franchise, just spoof popular movies, in this case Meet my Parents, Meet the Fockers, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, My Best Friend's Wedding (I like the two ladies with the flower hats!), Sweet Home Alabama, Shallow Hal, Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Hitch. Alyson Hanningan plays 'Julia Jones', which in much of these parody movies, the character's names are taken from the original. Jones from 'Bridget Jones' and Julia probably from 'Date Movie' queen Julia Robert. The inspired moments are when they 'roll drunks' or the Lord of the Rings set (Frodo played by Alyson's fellow Buffy alum Tom Lenk) come in to trade in the ring at a Jewerly store and also an inspired cameo by Lil' Jon. Alyson Hannigan is a comedy pro but not so great at holding a movie together. Newcomer Adam Campbell (Grant) is just beautiful and has a great body. He is real good at looking like Brad Pitt (also good in drag!). He is not as great with holding the comedy but a real sport. He does the 'When Harry Met Sally' sthick which Alyson actually did in a stage version with Luke Perry.

A deleted scene of the Jell-O scene features instead of a racist Taco Bell joke, a non-racist stinky barge joke but would had fly better in my book. A good choice in casting was improv-pros Fred Willard and Jennifer Coolidge as Grant's parents. In one moment, they say Grant lost his viriginity to the male servant. He says something in Spanish and the subtitle says 'Hi Grant.' In reality, he says 'Hola Papa Chulo. Tu pene es tan grande que te extranado tanto.' Translates as 'Hello my darling boy. Your penis is so big I have missed you.' The 'ugh so tiring ending' is an extension parody to King Kong to just showboat cameo Carmen Electra. What is good to is a scene featuring Grant and Andy in reverse-roles of Pretty Woman.

Sophia Monk (She looks like Billie Piper from Doctor Who) who plays Grant's 'best man' Andy and she is really British but has no accent in the movie. She is trotted around as the 'hot chick' but she is pretty good. She reveals in the DVD that she hasn't been on many dates and that one time she thought she was going to get a kiss but didn't. Throughout the movie, it looks like they digitally doctored her face a lot. Eddie Griffin plays Julia's father and does a good job, pretty much like a straight protrayal of a father. Alyson looked like she had fun with this movie. She is so good at the dramatic as well and making you cry, if they played this straight, you would bawling. What she plays the best is the bad guy, she should do a movie where she is the all out villian. In retrospect, she did good at not doing the 'woe is me' romantic movie and just go out and make fun of it.
Oh yeah... also featured in this movie is cutie chameleon Josh Meyers as Napeoleon and 'date crasher' Owen Wilson... bookending the movie. What is commending about the DVD is an ANTI-Commentary with two critics, awesome. The producers liked the bad reviews so much that they got these people.
Related Posts: Adam Campbell: Unknown Hotties of the Week 6/6 | Kevin Federline Look-a-like: Unknown Hotties of the Week 6/26
Argentinean Desperate Housewives
It is very common for Argentineans to make their own version of a popular American show (Sex and the City = Quarto Amigas, The Nanny = La Niñera). Yes Desperate Housewives might seem like a novella or soap opera and Latin Americans are famous for their telenovelas but I think the Twin Peaks appeal attracts them the most. They are bascially carbon copying this one. They even recycle the same actors over and over again. One chick (Carola Reyna) from La Niñera is in this one. Oh What's this show gonna be called? Uh... Amas de Casa Deseperadas.
Susan = Susana (obviously), Gabriela stays, Bree = Lia, and Lynette = Vera
It is currently in production.
Susan = Susana (obviously), Gabriela stays, Bree = Lia, and Lynette = Vera
It is currently in production.
Haley Joel Osment injured in car incident

Eightteen year old actor Haley Joel Osment driving his 1995 Saturn about 1 a.m. when he reportedly lost control of the car amd collided with a brick pillar and flipped. The 18-year-old actor was awake and talking following the crash. He was alone in the car. A doctor at the hospital where he currently is admitted at said, "He's pretty uncomfortable and resting. He just wants to let everyone know he's going to be OK." Um... umcomfortable? They don't usually say that! Anyway... not so long ago, Nickeoldeon staple Drake Bell was also in a car accident.
"Drake's face smashed into the steering wheel because his 1995 Ford Mustang had no airbag, causing a broken jaw, a fractured neck, six dislodged teeth, and a deep cut across his chin, which left a two-and-a-half inch scar. He told People that, "I could fit my tongue through it. It was like a second mouth." Although his injuries were disfiguring, they were not life-threatening, and he made a full recovery. He had his jaw wired shut for two months, thus, going on a liquid diet. The article continues that, " milkshakes and smoothies were his breakfast, lunch, and dinner." Production of the fourth season of Drake & Josh was postponed for a few months while he recovered from his injuries, but he is now back to work." -Source: Wikipedia

I understand if Bell doesn't have alot of money but Haley must have enough to afford something more than a 1996 model and thats dangerous to not even have an airbag. I personally was in a car accident and I didn't know airbags deployed an awful ordor and smoke. I still remember it. It was horrible, I almost choked in it because I couldn't find the door handle--I was disorientated by the accident itself. But the airbag saved my life, like it or not.
And more bad news.. Paul and Young Ron on the radio said that supposedly an undisclosed Miami Dolphin player was shot in the buttocks.
And more bad news.. Paul and Young Ron on the radio said that supposedly an undisclosed Miami Dolphin player was shot in the buttocks.
My Stand on Immigration

I believe I have no prejudice towards any racial, sexual orientation or any denomination. Now in response to my earlier post on Cuban-Americans and illegal immigrants, I want to state that I am a son of Latin-American immigrants and I have nothing against immigration. I think with the latest negativity towards immigrants is purely hypocritical. THIS COUNTRY WAS BUILT BY INMIGRANTS. Yes we need to protect our borders but you, all U.S. citizens (as I am too) are from Inmigrants. What you don't like are ILLEGAL inmigrants not inmigrants all together. What I don't understand either is discrimination aganist Irishmen back when. Y'ALL ARE ALL WHITE. I don't understand that their skin is supposedly 'darker.' The Irish are as pale white as the Anglo-Saxons a.k.a. Caucasians are. Makes no sense! So what I am saying is that we do need to protect our borders but when you say something, think about it before you say it. The only true 'Americans' are the race that were commited genocide on.. the Native Americans. Why you think they call them 'Natives'? Now, if you say 'Uh, they are Indians' then I proved my point, you don't have anything more to say.
John Leguizamo Special delays MegaTV programming
Many of the international or even national readers of this may not even know what Mega TV is but sure know who John leguizamo is. The Colombian-American actor was to have a 'special' show all about him on the Miami local channel. The show was an hour and was to air July 20th at 9pm. Viewers may be wondering why after 9:30, the second half of the show aired a half hour later. Well because only the first half of the show was avaliable. The second half didn't come in until 10pm. The entire show did finally air but delayed the rest of the programing. Now why did this happeny? No one knows. Anyway, encore presentations are to happen all this weekend.

Thursday, July 20
Wednesday, July 19
What Classifies as a World War?
And if I understand right there has been plenty of wars going around in the world for the past decades? Like in Bosina, Romania, Isreal? So if a bunch of wars happen around the world and not involve in the United States, is it not a World War? So here comes the main question: What Classifies as a World War? I don't doubt that this can form into one but what do you need to just label it? Does it just mean a bunch of wars involving two or more countries happening at the same time or does it mean a group aganist one like in World War II? Now that I was born after both World Wars, I don't know who labeled these wars 'World Wars.' Was it during the war or after? Did journalists do it or did world leaders? Truly the 'Pollo o el Huevo'.
Justin Hartley: Every Hero a.k.a. Passing the Hunk Torch

Aquaman CW Pilot Trailer form
More on that Aquaman series here
Well it wasn't picked up and now the Smallville producers have decided that Justin will be Ollie Queen (Green Arrow) on Smallville, that will have more than six episodes and again an romantic interest to Lois Lane (Erica Durance) just like Alan's A.C.
I personally like Justin Hartley, he has more character and heart. I have had a crush on him since he first came on Passions. Justin has decided not to renew his contract on Passions and his role of Fox Crane will now go to Mark Cameron Wystrach. Glad Hartley is moving on. Oh, yeah did I mention he is a D.I.L.F. (Dad-version of a M.I.L.F.)? His duaghter recently was born.

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