Explaining the title: I am forty-something Latino who has a fondness for the Japanese culture and speak Spanglish--Spanish and English. Some people say "Span-English" so I mixed it with "Engrish," which is how some Japanese pronounce English.
Tuesday, February 26
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season Finale Already?

Florida Power Outage

FPL (Florida Power and Light) hasn't released an official statement on the reason for this outage, but it is believed that 5 out of 8 Nuclear Power Plants at Turkey Point in Homestead, Florida went out. 2 went back online but 3 are still out. It is also rumored that they tried shutting down 1 plant and that's how this started. It even surprised me more that not only the local television channels were covering this, but also CNN, Headlines News and MSNBC. They urge people to stay home unless it is important.
NBC forgoes 'glitzy' Fall Schedule

Monday, February 25
Sunday, February 24
I knew it 2008

Best Actor
Daniel Day-Lewis. I was right.
Best Actress
Marion Cotillard won. I was correct.
Best Supporting Actor
Javier Bardem. I was right.
Best Supporting Actress
I was wrong, Tilda Swinton, not Cate Blanchett.
Animated Film
Ratatouille won. I love the movie and it deserved it.
Best Director
The Coen Brothers, I was right.
Writing (Adpated)
The Coen Brothers, for No Country.
Writing (Original)
Diablo Cody for Juno, knew it.
Best Picture
No Country for Old Men
Daniel Day-Lewis. I was right.
Best Actress
Marion Cotillard won. I was correct.
Best Supporting Actor
Javier Bardem. I was right.
Best Supporting Actress
I was wrong, Tilda Swinton, not Cate Blanchett.
Animated Film
Ratatouille won. I love the movie and it deserved it.
Best Director
The Coen Brothers, I was right.
Writing (Adpated)
The Coen Brothers, for No Country.
Writing (Original)
Diablo Cody for Juno, knew it.
Best Picture
No Country for Old Men
6 out of 9 is not bad.
Related Topic: I Knew It, I didn't know it
Tilda Swinton Suprised Me

Javier Bardem's Spanish Speech
More or less he said this:
Mom, this is for you. This is for your forefathers and your parents Rafael and Matlide. This for the comedians of Spain, who like you have brought dignity and pride to our profession. This is all for the wonderful Spain and this for all of you. Go Spain!
Mom, this is for you. This is for your forefathers and your parents Rafael and Matlide. This for the comedians of Spain, who like you have brought dignity and pride to our profession. This is all for the wonderful Spain and this for all of you. Go Spain!
John Stewart's Oscar Opening

My Oscar Picks 2008

Best Actor
Hands down, everyone agrees, it is Daniel Day-Lewis' night.
Best Actress
Marion Cotillard. We rather have Ellen Page for Juno, but Marion is more Oscar-y.
Best Supporting Actor
Javier Bardem. Hated his character, he is the one.
Best Supporting Actress
No idea, anyone's game but most likely Cate Blanchett
Animated Film
Hands down, Persepollis
Best Director
The Coen Brothers, that is my pick. In No Country for Old Men, they paint a deep, dark and beautiful picture.
Writing (Adpated)
Between There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men.
Writing (Original)
Juno will get it.
Best Picture
I think everyone wants Juno. Even though I watched No Country for Old Men, I am not for it. I don't think Atonement will get it. Maybe Michael Clayton, if not There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men.
Hands down, everyone agrees, it is Daniel Day-Lewis' night.
Best Actress
Marion Cotillard. We rather have Ellen Page for Juno, but Marion is more Oscar-y.
Best Supporting Actor
Javier Bardem. Hated his character, he is the one.
Best Supporting Actress
No idea, anyone's game but most likely Cate Blanchett
Animated Film
Hands down, Persepollis
Best Director
The Coen Brothers, that is my pick. In No Country for Old Men, they paint a deep, dark and beautiful picture.
Writing (Adpated)
Between There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men.
Writing (Original)
Juno will get it.

I think everyone wants Juno. Even though I watched No Country for Old Men, I am not for it. I don't think Atonement will get it. Maybe Michael Clayton, if not There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men.
Related Topic: My Oscars Picks 2007
Friday, February 22
Moonlight Knight's Inspiration was the first TV Tokusatsu Hero?

Meine Kleine Fabrik
Project Runway Fan Favorite?
That word 'Fierce' gets on my nerves, it is so the M.O. of delusional young skinny gay boys. It might be a stereotype but there are so many of them and deep inside, they lacked the attention they craved and secretly hate themselves so they create this whole over-the-top 'I am the best' motto. If he reads this, he might predictably say "Oh my god!" or 'Screw him' or 'He's so mean' or 'I wouldn't say that' something of the like. He just needs an attitude adjustment. He didn't deserve the money. He is getting too much applause for being ridiculous and unauthentic. It is like
Wednesday, February 20
What Shows are Returning Post-Strike?

Episodes already airing
12 more episodes, 4 have already been filmed.
there will be total of 13, since 4 already aired and 8 was already filmed, then expect 5 post-strike episodes
Episodes coming Soon
"Men In Trees"
February 27, 11 episodes
"Everybody Hates Chris"
March 2, 12 episodes
March 6, 8 episodes (3 pre-strike episodes and 5 after April 22)
"Two and a Half Men"
March 17, 9 episodes
"Samnatha Who?"
April 7, 6 episodes or so
"Aliens in America"
Late March, 8 episodes
April 14, 6 episodes
"Law & Order: SVU"
April 15, 5 episodes
"30 Rock"
April 10, 5 episodes
"My Name is Earl"
April 3, 9 episodes
Episodes soon to be filmed
April, 4 - 6 episodes
"The Office"
April 10, 6 episodes
"Desperate Housewives"
April 13, 7 episodes (including 2-hour season finale)
"Grey's Anatomy"
late April, 5 episodes
"Gossip Girl"
April, 5 to more episodes
"Brothers and Sisters"
April 20, 4 more episodes
Series Finale up in the air
April 10, 5 episodes
4 episodes for the series finale might go straight to DVD.
Up in the air
"Friday Night Lights"--unknown if it will be back this fall.
Next Fall
The last new episode you saw will serve as the season's finale.
"Heroes" -- you will get a super-sized season
"Dirty Sexy Money"
"Pushing Daisies"
"24"--Jan 2009
CANCELED-- updates 02/21/08
"Bionic Woman"
"Big Shots"--the Charisma Carpenter episodes did air. She guest starred on Heather Locklear's "LAX" but the show was canceled before Carpenter's episodes aired.
Tuesday, February 19
Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles Episode 6 Review

Series Finale for Nip/Tuck?

--Julia ends up in a coma and then gets amnesia forgetting everything
--Christian actually admits he has been wrong.
--Julia and Sean's daughter gets in a car accident
--Sean gets stabbed in the back continually by the nutjob that looks like Ms. Doubtfire.
With all that in mind, I feel this like a series finale. It jumped the shark and ate it. Yup, yup after a dwarf nanny, lobster baby, penis-less serial killer, perfect transexual, botched circumcision, assisted suicide to a mistress, and much more, this is what broke the camel's back for me. lol. Nah, it's just too much at once.
Monday, February 18
Kyle XY Season 2 Episode 19 Review

A fight even breaks out in the show. Declan starts it. It is a fun scene. Also, when Hilary is 'MCing' it and Kyle and Amanda find each other. Also, Lori has a new love interest---Josh Zuckerman as Mark. When Jessi heals herself, which Kyle still can't master, he lets his emotion pour out in concern about her. Her pushing comes with a price, nose bleeds and almost fainting. At least at the end of the episode, Adam admits his fault---that Kyle should decide for his own if he wants to protect Jessi. Even though Kyle and Amanda don't spend a lot of time in the episode, they do in the end and are reflective over their relationship--maybe when Kyle is off protecting others, Amanda can protect Kyle. Kyle and Andy even have a scene together! They rarely have a scene together. Andy actually shows her venerability to Kyle. "When you say it, I almost believe it," Andy says when Kyle tells her everything is going to be okay. And when they hugged, I wanted to cry. Kyle is such a caring character, I like how it is positive that he is sensitive and strong and his sexuality or manliness is not called to question.
Major Spoilers:
Kyle's nose bleeds after hugging Andy! Earlier in the episode, Josh suggests him curing her cancer. I love this show!
Wednesday, February 13
What is up with Chocolate-fying everything?

Tuesday, February 12
Broward votes to protect Transgender residents
Sunday, February 10
No Country for Old Men Review

Set in Texas. The basic plot is that Vietnam veteran Llewelyn finds a murder site of Mexicans and heroin, while shooting deer. Only one man is alive and he asks for water, Llewelyn blows him off. He gets a couple of guns and $2 million in cash in a suitcase and goes back home. He doesn't give his wife (Kelly Macdonald) much info and hides the stash. At night, he can't sleep, so he returns to the site with water but the dude is already dead. Meanwhile, Anton gets his murdering on. He has his own sick logic. With a gas store attendant, he gambles his life with a coin toss. His only form of 'mercy.' Because Llewelyn has the money, he is after him. What I like about the movie is that the main characters barely share any screen time with each other but they know the rules of the game, they know what it is at stake. It skips over the usual explaining and leaves some things to fill in for the viewer.

For those who have seen the movie, I wish Anton died. I really did. He deserved this big elaborate death, but I guess the character is always open for a sequel. As for Llewlyn's death, I feel a bit cheated. We follow this supposed hero through a lot of things and then suddenly he isn't the focus anymore. I hate when movies do that. Quick show of his dead body and move on to Ed Tom Bell. The movie is worth watching, it is a thriller and a chiller. Above is a photo of Llewlyn's wife, in a scene the psycho confronts her and offers her a chance at her life with a coin toss. She refuses to play his silly game and whether she dies or not is up to the viewer.
Friday, February 8
Eric Dane reveals his battle with Skin Cancer

Tuesday, February 5
Conan and the war wih Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert

Now, on the Conana show, during the time he is at his desk after the monologue, he recaps the whole feud. Colbert steps in and then John like a cronie. They then snap fingers like those Jets from Westside Story. Than Conan brings out his bat. In the hall, John looks at the bat and hits Conan. They battle comically and John accidentally hits John, so he puts a recycling bin on John and Conan hits him with his bat. Later on, Stephen and Conan throw John down the stairs. John and Stephen throw Conan at the boxes. Then Conan and John throw Stephen down the stairs. They fight some more. Later, the CC boys supposedly throw Conan down but it was his stunt double. They continue fighting and then mimic Rocky and their fists come at each other. Then Mike Huckabee makes a speech, saying 'forget these three idiots.'
NOTE: Highlights of it were shown during the 'Moment of Zen' of Tuesday's 'A Daily Show.'
Monday, February 4
Super Bowl NY Giants Win

Sunday, February 3
Go Daddy.Com Web Exclusive Commercial

Super Bowl XL II Crazyness

Every Super Bowl I usually watch the commercials more than anything. Even though the majority of them we will be seeing all year, some they won't run again, so it always interesting. When most go to the bathroom during the commercials, I used to go to the bathroom of the game Usually by the fourth quarter, I got bored. This year, I really am not cheering for either the Pats or the Giants. Just hope things work out, if that makes sense.
Friday, February 1
Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills
As everyone may know by now, I am a tokusatsu fan. And many might know, when Mighty Morphin Power Rangers first came out, there were plenty of followers and rip-offs. Saban, that started it, did a bunch of them such as VR Troopers, Masked Rider, and Big Bad Beetleborgs, but there were two others that didn't belong to Saban. There was DIC that did Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad (from Gridman) and the USA network (produced by DIC, they still own the rights) brought their own original show, not made from a Japanese series and it showed. I am talking about Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters. When I first heard this show was coming out in 1994 on TV Guide, I thought it would be an animated series. I imagined aliens with different colored skin and tattoos on their foreheads.
But alas no, It mostly followed the MMPR plot to a tee. A glob much like Zordon contacted teenagers to fight an alien force. And the teenagers weren't likable, they were annoying. The show had like what felt to be 13 episodes, they had 40. The writers Jim Fisher and Jim Staahl came from Chicago's comedy troop Second City, so it could have been believed that it was a parody. But maybe it was too much on tact to be so. It is notable to have had Zsa Zsa Gabor as a guest star, Michael Bower from Nickelodeon's Salute Your Shorts, and one episode had Kevin Castro (Tanker) of Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad. I remember that episode very well, he played Orion, a former Alien Fighter--who warns one of them about the blob Nimbar that he will betray them because he betrayed him. I found this interesting because this was not ever covered in Power Rangers, if you could trust your 'mentor.'
But alas no, It mostly followed the MMPR plot to a tee. A glob much like Zordon contacted teenagers to fight an alien force. And the teenagers weren't likable, they were annoying. The show had like what felt to be 13 episodes, they had 40. The writers Jim Fisher and Jim Staahl came from Chicago's comedy troop Second City, so it could have been believed that it was a parody. But maybe it was too much on tact to be so. It is notable to have had Zsa Zsa Gabor as a guest star, Michael Bower from Nickelodeon's Salute Your Shorts, and one episode had Kevin Castro (Tanker) of Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad. I remember that episode very well, he played Orion, a former Alien Fighter--who warns one of them about the blob Nimbar that he will betray them because he betrayed him. I found this interesting because this was not ever covered in Power Rangers, if you could trust your 'mentor.'
Friday Night Lights: Better case for "Everyone Leaves Me"

Why oh why resurrect Paradise Hotel?

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