That word 'Fierce' gets on my nerves, it is so the M.O. of delusional young skinny gay boys. It might be a stereotype but there are so many of them and deep inside, they lacked the attention they craved and secretly hate themselves so they create this whole over-the-top 'I am the best' motto. If he reads this, he might predictably say "Oh my god!" or 'Screw him' or 'He's so mean' or 'I wouldn't say that' something of the like. He just needs an attitude adjustment. He didn't deserve the money. He is getting too much applause for being ridiculous and unauthentic. It is like
Explaining the title: I am forty-something Latino who has a fondness for the Japanese culture and speak Spanglish--Spanish and English. Some people say "Span-English" so I mixed it with "Engrish," which is how some Japanese pronounce English.
Friday, February 22
Project Runway Fan Favorite?
That word 'Fierce' gets on my nerves, it is so the M.O. of delusional young skinny gay boys. It might be a stereotype but there are so many of them and deep inside, they lacked the attention they craved and secretly hate themselves so they create this whole over-the-top 'I am the best' motto. If he reads this, he might predictably say "Oh my god!" or 'Screw him' or 'He's so mean' or 'I wouldn't say that' something of the like. He just needs an attitude adjustment. He didn't deserve the money. He is getting too much applause for being ridiculous and unauthentic. It is like