This week they should have kicked out both Gordana and Logan. Gordana nodded way too much when Heidi told her what was wrong with her dress. Oh my god, Gordana should have been kicked out first. Logan, I have accused him not being kicked out because he is so cute, hot in those pants and so cute. Logan, honey, you didn't get kicked out because of taking a risk. It was tasteless and not well-portion. If you are attracted to women, study their bodies better. You are a boring designer. Rock can be boring if you see it too much. So now that there is five designers, are we finally going to get kicked out. From the preview, it is sounding that Christopher still hasn't learned his lesson, still crying and not putting a fresh eye on his crap. Think about how they are going to make fun of it and make it better. And Gordana, think fun, and fresh, stop being so drab. No, she can't help it, but I think Logan can change. And Logan was bitching too much on the other Designers right before he left.