Sunday, October 18

Aqua's "Barbie Girl" song used for actual Barbie commercials

Back when the "Barbie Girl" song came out by Aqua in the late 90's, Mattel was mad and sued them, but Aqua won. The song said stuff like "undress me everywhere" and "plastic bimbo girl." So now Mattel is using their own version of the song for their commercials and also for the Pink Ticket contest promos. They only use the parts that say "come on Barbie, let's go party" and they change the lyrics to match with the Pink Ticket stuff. It turns out that it was no fluke. Barbie Senior Vice President of Marketing, Stephanie Cota says. “Yes, there’s an interesting history with Mattel and Aqua. But one of the things that’s great about Barbie is that she’s had 50 years to figure herself out. ” The song “is such the epitome of Barbie. It’s a fun, kicky upbeat song,” she added. “We’ve re-written the lyrics ever so slightly. There’s a bit of girl empowerment that gets infused in there.”

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