So I decided to go to the Disney Store. I was sure I would find it. There was the tall wall of the Princesses: Belle, Ariel, Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmine, and Mulan. And down there, a few of the Beast. It shows off that you can change the Beast into the prince. As much as I love the Beast, "A" loves the Little Mermaid and has the doll in that size. In the back of the packaging of the Beast, there is the other Princes: Prince Charming, Phillip, Aladdin, Eric, and the Beast. I went to the sales lady and said, "Yo amo la Bestia, pero no tenien los otro princepes?" She told to look back there, I told her I did, she asked if I searched, I told her I glanced at it. We went to the second wall of dolls and searched, I just moved a bit of figures and she finally accepted there wasn't any. She then went to the back to check. I told her I would prefer Eric, but she said she would get what she could.
Explaining the title: I am forty-something Latino who has a fondness for the Japanese culture and speak Spanglish--Spanish and English. Some people say "Span-English" so I mixed it with "Engrish," which is how some Japanese pronounce English.
Sunday, November 30
Yo Quiero Mi Principe
So I decided to go to the Disney Store. I was sure I would find it. There was the tall wall of the Princesses: Belle, Ariel, Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmine, and Mulan. And down there, a few of the Beast. It shows off that you can change the Beast into the prince. As much as I love the Beast, "A" loves the Little Mermaid and has the doll in that size. In the back of the packaging of the Beast, there is the other Princes: Prince Charming, Phillip, Aladdin, Eric, and the Beast. I went to the sales lady and said, "Yo amo la Bestia, pero no tenien los otro princepes?" She told to look back there, I told her I did, she asked if I searched, I told her I glanced at it. We went to the second wall of dolls and searched, I just moved a bit of figures and she finally accepted there wasn't any. She then went to the back to check. I told her I would prefer Eric, but she said she would get what she could.
Tuesday, November 25
Belle, Snoopy's sister
Scrubs premieres January 6!
It has been announced that Scrubs' new season will premiere January 6th, 2009 on ABC.
Monday, November 24
Joanna Cassidy is AWESOME
I found it weird that she was not on "Desperate Housewives" yet and lo and behold, she is on it now! She plays the mother was Andrew's fiance and a thorn in Bree's side. I guess they were waiting for the right role.

She played Rose Lindsey in Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter, which was a somber bland movie, trying to propel Christina Applegate's "Married with Children" career. Rose played her oblivious boss who believed in her.
Thursday, November 20
Product Placement in Telenovela
I saw the funniest thing the other day. I was at the gym and they had a telenovela (soap opera) on and there were two girls together and all of the sudden it became one of those old product placement segments. One girl was timid about talking about her period and the other busted out with maxi pads. It was hilarious, this actress was doing the whole nine yards of spokesman-ship.
Wednesday, November 19
X-Men: The First Class?

Tuesday, November 18
The Beauty of the Male Form Part 3: What is Sexy?
Now I will discuss What is Sexy about Men?, now yes the majority will be what I believe is sexy but also what sexy should be. I do believe Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yes, it is a bit ironic saying that if I have a hot guy blog. But I don't always pick guys that fall into agreed-upon convential beauty. So 'Sexy' is the same. It depends on the person you are attracting. But what I think should be an agreed-upon 'Sexy' is more about attitude. Indeed, woman have a more open ideal about sexiness in men, while the stereotype is that the majority of men have a narrow view of what is sexy in women. Actually, most men actually do like plus-size women and also like tomboy girl, many men find a woman in men's clothing enticing, well not all the time, mostly in the bedroom but it is something. Most specifically their own clothing that might be bigger on the woman.
[Daniel Gillies, above]
Sexiness do come in attitude. Even if a guy is handsome, I don't like a guy when he is stuck up or thinks he is 'all that' or a complete jack hole. I like humble guys, those 'ah shucks' guys. While the are hard to find, like needles in haystacks... Lots of women and gay men say confidence is key. And from personal experience, confidence does make a large effective difference. Confidence vs. Cockiness. Cockiness not great, it's annoying and off-putting. Confidence is just assurance, self-reliance in one's self. I do like guys that are introverted but not too much. So like with anything else, excessiveness is not good. Some people don't even like men that are 'too beautiful' or more beautiful than they are.
[Novak Djokovic, above]
Now, I have had my crushes that have come and gone. For Example, I had a thing for Andy Roddick (before I started this blog) but now I find him to be a boring douche. I had a thing for Justin Timberlake, found everything he did sexy and cute, but he also got bland and tired. He stopped updating his look, which I like and he is now fond of facial hair and I don't like too much facial hair. I am okay with some hair but not the scruffiness. I don't like when handsome guys get scruffy to hide their hottness. How annoying is that?
[Julian Mcmahon, above)
Fathers are also sexy. Fatherhood means responsibility, empathy and caring. Nothing isn't more sexy than a young handsome father playing with their kids or with a stroller. And it's happening more often these days. It is heart-warming to see how many young fathers are stepping up and being a true man by taking care of their children and being there for them.

Sexiness do come in attitude. Even if a guy is handsome, I don't like a guy when he is stuck up or thinks he is 'all that' or a complete jack hole. I like humble guys, those 'ah shucks' guys. While the are hard to find, like needles in haystacks... Lots of women and gay men say confidence is key. And from personal experience, confidence does make a large effective difference. Confidence vs. Cockiness. Cockiness not great, it's annoying and off-putting. Confidence is just assurance, self-reliance in one's self. I do like guys that are introverted but not too much. So like with anything else, excessiveness is not good. Some people don't even like men that are 'too beautiful' or more beautiful than they are.

Now, I have had my crushes that have come and gone. For Example, I had a thing for Andy Roddick (before I started this blog) but now I find him to be a boring douche. I had a thing for Justin Timberlake, found everything he did sexy and cute, but he also got bland and tired. He stopped updating his look, which I like and he is now fond of facial hair and I don't like too much facial hair. I am okay with some hair but not the scruffiness. I don't like when handsome guys get scruffy to hide their hottness. How annoying is that?

Fathers are also sexy. Fatherhood means responsibility, empathy and caring. Nothing isn't more sexy than a young handsome father playing with their kids or with a stroller. And it's happening more often these days. It is heart-warming to see how many young fathers are stepping up and being a true man by taking care of their children and being there for them.
Yay! Whoopi defending Gay Rights in The View
She totally gets it and defends it. And she is awesome. Thank You.
Sunday, November 16
SNL: Paul Rudd is a brave one

Sidebar: I had to mention Weekend Update, with the 'featuring castmember' dressed up as Snagglepuss discussing what Seth Meyers puts as a 'setback for the gay community' just like straight guys say to separate themselves from stuff. Snugglepuss 'came out' and announce he wanted to married the little green The Great Kazoo. That was hiliarious. Cute. But I am not going to put much against Meyers since he was equally prejudice with racist jokes like "Laura Bush and Michelle Obama met and Laura kept a close look at her pocket book." Everyone booed for that and for ban on gay marriage. John Stewart went through the same booing thign when he mentioned it on "The Daily Show."
Thursday, November 13
Surprise Night Court Reunion in 30 Rock
The Beauty of the Male Form Part 2
Okay, I said I was going to cover clothes on men, so here I go.
I am not that crazy about really skinny guys but I do appreciate how a decent jean looks on a tall skinny man. Also, love leather shoes. I'm a foot guy, I got to admit. I am crazy about feet but mostly with the shoes on. No, I don't want shoes stepping on me, no I don't like doing anything physical with the shoes. I just like looking at them.

I love the whole look. The stance is very sexy. And those shoes, I am melting. I don't know how to explain this, this is almost uncharted waters. It has been discussed on the internet about male feet and male shoes, there are plenty videos on YouTube but there is not much discussion in psychology which I would love to read.

Sneakers and shoes like those are foxxy with business pants, I love this whole outfit, the layers. Leather jackets look hot when they are shorter.
Can't help but to love this whole picture and the outfit and the stance and the shoes. I can't say anything else.

I love when shirts can be seen under other shirts, especially the biceps. Such form fitting. Do I even have to say that I look seeing nipples sticking out of shirts?

There is a stereotype that women can't resist a man in uniform, but I believe it depends on the man. I mean it can true, for both women and men attracted to men. But army fatigues are real hot, especially the boots. The whole look is so very attractive.
This fashion photo is great because it shows an uncommon thing, most men are full of motocross gear and sometimes it looks sexy but sometimes it looks too clunky, but in this picture, we have the strong but somewhat fragile tender male body with the hard, sexy and sleek armor.
Don't get me started with kilts! How striking!

Seeing the brief line, much like the panty line in women, in pants is really scrumptious.

Talking about uniforms, I love baseball uniforms but most baseball players don't have the figure to pull it off. I love basketball outfits the most because of the amount of skin that is shown.

Football uniforms are awesome, I think the most alluring. The college football uniforms are most hot because you can see the calves.

Above you can see the vulnerability and the cuteness, the nimbleness that can has a lot of potential.
Related Topic: The Beauty of the Male Form Part 1
Tuesday, November 11
Peppermint Rose

Sunday, November 9
El Show de Lucky the Clown

"El Show de Lucky" es un programa de la Infancia que se realizó en el año 2003 yo creo y terminó alrededor de el año de 2005. Se hizo y producido en el Sur de la Florida, la mayoría en Hialeah y Miami. Se hizo en Español y en Inglés, el tema principal (canción) fue en en Español, pero la mayor parte del programa fue en Inglés. Me obligaron a ver este espectáculo, cuando yo trabajaba para una estacion de television en Español, así muchos de ellos y casi todos de ellos transmiteron este espectáculo. El concepto básico era de un payaso como Ronald McDonald llamado Lucky y sus "Lucky Estrellas", que fueron vestidos de diferentes colores del arcoiris con un estudio de audiencia. Él diría, 'Yo soy tu Amigo. " y hubo una persona en un traje de perro llamado Aliu que realmente no hacer nada. Tuve una idea de que la esposa de Lucky estaba en el traje. Además, hubo un títere, Tilingo, que parecía una profesorda lesbiana de ciencias con una gran nariz. Tuvo una voz molesta y fue la fuente del cinismo y la ignorancia.
The basic format of the show started out with Lucky coming out with a drum and his lucky stars singing a song. Then he would have the kids from the audience do aerobics. Then he would introduce his Lucky Stars. Then usually Monique would talk to Tilingo and would talk about the topic of the day, if it was weather, time, flowers, flags, Christmas, etc. In some episodes later on, Eric and Elisa would have a news segment and Christopher would do a segment and later on, Derrick and Debby would do the weather. Before they ended, they would have a guest kid perform a talent, usually dancing and singing. And by the end, they would answer mail and announce the address. They would then announce kids who had birthdays that week. There would sometimes be a field trip segment with Jeanelle interviewing somebody and a karate segment with Master Joe--an actual Children's karate teacher from a local dojo, which was kept even when the format changed later on.
El formato básico del programa comenzó con Lucky salir con un tambor y su suerte estrellas cantar una canción. Entonces tendría la chicos de la audiencia hacer aeróbicos. Luego, se presentará su Lucky Estrellas. A continuación, Monique se suele hablar con Tilingo y hablar sobre el tema del día, si era tiempo, flores, banderas, Navidad, etc. En algunos episodios más tarde, Erik y Elisa tendría un segmento de noticias y Christopher haría un segmento y más tarde, Derrick y Debby haría la clima. Antes de que terminó, que tendría un niño invitado realizar un talento, por lo general bailando y cantando. Y al final, respuesta el correo y la dirección. En ese caso, anunciará los niños que habían cumpleaños esa semana. Existe a veces ser un segmento como viaje de campo con Jeanelle hacieron entrevistas con alguien y una serie de sesiones de karate con Master Joe - un profesor real de karate en su dojo local, que se mantuvo incluso cuando cambió el formato más adelante.
The Lucky Stars started out with five, they all dressed in shirts and nylon excerise pants of the same color they were assigned: Monique, the oldest, who dressed in aqua; Erick, the chubbiest boy in green; Elisa, the prim and proper girl in purple; Janelle Marie, who started out in pink and when the show progressed and the other kids left, the outfits were phased out; and Christopher, the most into theatrical stuff, in blue. A bit later, a new kid was added, Derick, who was initially dressed in navy. Christopher then left and there was a few episodes with just the five until the last little girl came, Debbie the youngest, she dressed in red and by the next year, they phased out the first type of uniform. The second uniform was a shirt of their color and overalls with their name drawn on it. Derrick then changed to orange.
Los Lucky Estrellas comenzó con cinco, todos de ellos vestideron con camisas y pantalones de nylon de excerisio del mismo color que fueron asignados: Monique, la más grande de los otros, quien vestio de aqua; Erick, el niño mas gordito en verde; Elisa, la chica adecuada de color morado; Janelle Marie, quien comenzó en rosa, y cuando el show avanzaba y los otros niños se fueron, los trajes fueron eliminandos gradualmente, y Christopher, que le gustaba la mayoría de cosas de teatro, en azul. Un poco más tarde, un nuevo chico se ha añadido, Derick, que fue inicialmente vestidos en azul oscuro. Christopher luego se fue y hubo algunos episodios con sólo los cinco hasta la último niña llegó, la chicita de Debbie, vestida de rojo y por el próximo año, el primer tipo de uniforme fue eliminando gradualmente. El segundo uniforme era una camisa de su color y overoles con su nombre dibujado en ella. Derrick luego cambió al color naranja.
By the third year or so, all the kids grew up and left the show, leaving just Janelle Marie. Eric, Monique, Elisa and Derrick made their own singing group, I forget the name, something like Sol, Arena, and Mar but that may be wrong. The group is now called 4 Elements and has Debbie instead of Monique. Then a new member was added in the form of Super L ('L' was pronounced in Spanish so it sounded like Super Ele). He would 'fly' in, in a cheesy manner and was superimposed over the opening credits even though most of the kids had long gone and Tillingo was phased out as well. By this time, the audience had disappeared and the studio looked kind of empty. Super L was the son of a famous Cuban comedian, forgot who. Later on, the son of the guy who played Lucky was added to the show and I forget his name, maybe Daniel, but he was difficult to work with. It seemed he didn't want to be involved. He would look at the camera with such disdain.
En el tercer año o así, todos los chicos crecieron y dejaron el show, dejando sólo Janelle Marie. Eric, Monique, Elisa y Derrick hizo su propio grupo de canto, me olvido el nombre, algo así como Sol, Arena y Mar, sino que puede estar equivocado. El grupo que ahora se llama 4 Elementos y ha Debbie en lugar de Monique. A continuación, un nuevo miembro se ha añadido en forma de Super L. El 'volo', en un manera muy 'Mickey Mouse' y fue superpuesta sobre la apertura de créditos, aunque la mayoría de los niños ha ido de largo y Tillingo fue eliminado también. En este momento, el audiencia había desaparecido y el estudio estaba vacío. Super L es el hijo de un famoso comediante Cubano, que no me recerdo el nombre. Más tarde, el hijo del actor que hizo Lucky se ha añadido el programa y se me olvida su nombre, tal vez Daniel, pero era difícil trabajar con ellos. Parecía que no querían estar involucrados. Él mira la cámara con tanto desprecio.
By the end, it seemed their bugdet got reduced because they got cheaper opening sequence and a smaller studio with a smaller audience. By this time, with Janelle, Super L, Daniel, there was another girl, an older girl, maybe even older than Monique but I forget her name and she didn't have a color. Jeanelle would wear her old overalls until they changed the studio. They even had a 'special' episode where they went to a 'special location.' But no not Disney world, no not Hawaii.... Dominican Republic.
Al final, parece que tiene su presupuesto reducido porque los graphicos de la segunda apertura fueron más baratos y el segundo estudio fue más pequeño con un audiencia más pequeño. En ese momento, con Janelle, Super L, Daniel, hubo otra chica, una niña de más edad, quizás incluso más de Monique, pero se me olvida su nombre y no tenía un color. Jeanelle uso su traje viejo hasta que cambió el estudio. Incluso había un episodio "especial" en el que ellos se fueron a un "lugar especial". Pero no fueron a Disney World y no a Hawai.... Fueron a la República Dominicana. Parece ser que es de donde es Lucky. Es lamentable, hicieron una gran cosa va en el avión e ir a este recurso y, por supuesto, tenían una 'aventura' que tuvo que ir buscar Lucky. Quiero decir, el lugar parecía el último lugar que un niño quiere ir a divertirse. Bueno, ese es mi despotricar, de este programa fue muy divertido hecho por mis compañeros de trabajo y yo sólo quería compartir en este absurdo. Este programa todavía se repeta en algunos canales locales de cable en Español.
Viewer Beware on YouTube!
Thursday, November 6
My take on the Gay Marriage Ban
So here is my take, I was all for 'No on Amendment 2' in Florida which defines marriage in the traditional sense and it was passed. I had no idea about California, I thought I was safe on that side but unfortunately Amendment 8 was approved and now there is a ban on gay marriage but I know my people will not take it without a fight. There is no so far 3 lawsuits against the amendment and plenty groups are fired up and fighting back. Yay for them and I am right with them. This is not the end, this is just the beginning. If we can have Obama for president, I can have my husband one day.
I worked as a poll worker/quality assurance specialist in the election on Tuesday and I had to read in Spanish to the non-English speaking voters that required help, and it was hard to see them vote 'yes' on the amendment but I took an oath and had to take it with stride. This is the rare times I mention something private about my life on my blog, my win was that my mother, who I have fought with for years about me being who I am, voted 'no' on the amendment and that touches me so much. So much, without words to express but I have tried.
I worked as a poll worker/quality assurance specialist in the election on Tuesday and I had to read in Spanish to the non-English speaking voters that required help, and it was hard to see them vote 'yes' on the amendment but I took an oath and had to take it with stride. This is the rare times I mention something private about my life on my blog, my win was that my mother, who I have fought with for years about me being who I am, voted 'no' on the amendment and that touches me so much. So much, without words to express but I have tried.
South Park/Obama Episode Quick

They tell The Live Feed this:
"We've only ever worked on an Obama version," said Parker and Stone via email, when asked if they prepped two versions in case McCain won. "We followed Vegas odds. If McCain would have won we would have been screwed. It would have been our 'Dewey defeats Truman' moment."
The Live Feed
Watch the Episode free online at South Park Studios
Tuesday, November 4
But this doesn't mean a magic wand is going to fix everything. The White House is a mess and it is not going to be a quick change and he has said that. McCain actually did a great speech, he was real humble and he got boos for supporting Obama but that was because he had created a monster with his voters. I hope that in four years, we don't blame Obama, if you voted for him, stick with him. This is the first time in eight years that I have voted three times for present that my candidate won!
But this doesn't mean a magic wand is going to fix everything. The White House is a mess and it is not going to be a quick change and he has said that. McCain actually did a great speech, he was real humble and he got boos for supporting Obama but that was because he had created a monster with his voters. I hope that in four years, we don't blame Obama, if you voted for him, stick with him. This is the first time in eight years that I have voted three times for present that my candidate won!
Saturday, November 1
Vampire Shows Post-Buffy and Angel
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