So I decided to go to the Disney Store. I was sure I would find it. There was the tall wall of the Princesses: Belle, Ariel, Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmine, and Mulan. And down there, a few of the Beast. It shows off that you can change the Beast into the prince. As much as I love the Beast, "A" loves the Little Mermaid and has the doll in that size. In the back of the packaging of the Beast, there is the other Princes: Prince Charming, Phillip, Aladdin, Eric, and the Beast. I went to the sales lady and said, "Yo amo la Bestia, pero no tenien los otro princepes?" She told to look back there, I told her I did, she asked if I searched, I told her I glanced at it. We went to the second wall of dolls and searched, I just moved a bit of figures and she finally accepted there wasn't any. She then went to the back to check. I told her I would prefer Eric, but she said she would get what she could.
Explaining the title: I am forty-something Latino who has a fondness for the Japanese culture and speak Spanglish--Spanish and English. Some people say "Span-English" so I mixed it with "Engrish," which is how some Japanese pronounce English.
Sunday, November 30
Yo Quiero Mi Principe
So I decided to go to the Disney Store. I was sure I would find it. There was the tall wall of the Princesses: Belle, Ariel, Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmine, and Mulan. And down there, a few of the Beast. It shows off that you can change the Beast into the prince. As much as I love the Beast, "A" loves the Little Mermaid and has the doll in that size. In the back of the packaging of the Beast, there is the other Princes: Prince Charming, Phillip, Aladdin, Eric, and the Beast. I went to the sales lady and said, "Yo amo la Bestia, pero no tenien los otro princepes?" She told to look back there, I told her I did, she asked if I searched, I told her I glanced at it. We went to the second wall of dolls and searched, I just moved a bit of figures and she finally accepted there wasn't any. She then went to the back to check. I told her I would prefer Eric, but she said she would get what she could.