Hoodwinked! was a 2005 computer-animated family comedy that was produced by... not Disney, not Dreamworks, not by 20th Century Fox, or even Paramount, but Blue Yonder Films with Kanbar Entertainment--. It was released by The Weinstein Company in selected markets. The sequel
Hoodwinked Too!: Hood Vs. Evil was set to be released January 2010, but for some reason, will no longer. The Weinstein Company promised Burger King a January release date. Burger King went through with the promotion even though the film was no longer being released in January 2010. Burger King toys for the film are now available (January 2010) even though the film has no release date, not even a trailer or poster to let audiences know that a Hoodwinked sequel was coming. No matter what the reason it is clear the Burger King promotion will not benefit the theatrical release because the toy promotion will be long over prior to the film is released. Because of previous Weinstein Company films due to their financial problems, the sequel might go direct-to-DVD. The movie stars Red Puckett (Hayden Panettiere), W. Wolf (Patrick Warburton), Granny (Glenn Close), Hansel and Gretel (Bill Hader and Amy Poehler) and Mr. Alligator (Bill Murray).
American Hoodwinked Burger King siteUnited Kingdom Burger King Site