Explaining the title: I am forty-something Latino who has a fondness for the Japanese culture and speak Spanglish--Spanish and English. Some people say "Span-English" so I mixed it with "Engrish," which is how some Japanese pronounce English.
Thursday, December 31
Monday, December 28
Family Guy Something, Something, Something, Dark Side Review
First of all, I am insulted by the first card saying "When the gays weren't all in your face about," Family Guy is usually gay-friendly but that is just annoying and not necessary. This episode is not as fun as Blue Harvest, probably because the source material The Empire Strikes Back is not happy-go-lucky. The Empire Strikes Back is my one favorite movie out of the whole Star Wars series and it is the only movie I can remember that is a sequel in a trilogy that is a good movie and not just a lead-in to the finale. There are some recycled gags from the show, some F-bombs, but maybe just 3 of them, they curse way more in the commentary than on the episode. I only watch Family Guy on TV so I am not used to cursing, so the one that really felt out of place is Peter/Han's final F-bomb in the episode. Some Family Guy secondary characters return (like 'Phony' Holden Caulfield) and I don't want to spoil it anymore. Their Yoda is not that funny, they spent so much time on the beginning of the movie that the ending feels rushed and we don't get much time with Lando. There are some great movie observations though! And yes writers, I know all the references and know who Rodney Dangerfield and Don Knotts are. The animation is great, there is a lot of wonderful details and they did a great job, but is it funny? Kinda. I give a B.
By the way, the pop-up factoid feature is very entertaining, if you think the movie need something to spice the movie up, this does. Most DVD pop-up facts are annoying, but this are as sarcastic as the show and has fake facts, so watch out. But it does take the episode out of wide screen HD version.
By the way, the pop-up factoid feature is very entertaining, if you think the movie need something to spice the movie up, this does. Most DVD pop-up facts are annoying, but this are as sarcastic as the show and has fake facts, so watch out. But it does take the episode out of wide screen HD version.
Avatar 3-D Review

The basic plot is that the main character Jake (Sam Worthington) is forced to go to this planet Pandora (because his twin brother just died and they need him) where Earthlings are trying to take over a planet with peace-loving indigenous people Na'vi for some rock that is similar to diamonds. Giovanni Ribisi plays an annoying character, I just plain hate, not love to hate but just bad. The villains are irritating and seem to have a flimsy goal, especially Colonel Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang)--who states they are 'savages' and Lang seems to be transplanted from a Van Damm flick. The movie is beautiful but just horribly sad in the end and unnecessary. My friend offers the glib analysis that this movie suggests that what the Native Americans did wrong was not have a white person play red-face to save them.
Maybe that is not what Cameron had intended. The movie is 2 hours and a half, it doesn't drag on like Titanic but the 3d does, I had to take off the glasses several times because my eyes started hurting. Sam Worthington does a bang up job, at first I don't like his na'vi avatar but then fall in love with it and stare at his little butt. I was not a big fan of Sam's look, but slowly started falling into his charms. I love the first two Terminator movies Cameron directed but Titanic's writing was horrible, and this one has its problems with obvious plot points. The movie is just dribble.
Thursday, December 24
The Santa Clause Franchise Review

Tuesday, December 22
Princess and the Frog: Positive Review

Tiana's friend Charlotte is rich and wants to get married really bad, namely for Naveen. Since she was a kid, she wanted a fairy tale romance, get married to a prince. Charlotte has been friends with Tiana since they were little girls, Tiana's mom made princess dresses for her. Instead of being a mean spoiled brat, Charlotte is still nice to her childhood pal Tiana and comes through for her in the end. What doesn't make sense is why Charolette's dad doesn't give Tiana her the money for her restaurant since he knew her as a kid and goes to the place she works every morning for her pastries. Probably he had offered and she wanted to work on it on her own. Naveen and Charolette are joined in their journey to find the voodoo priestess Mama Ode by Louis, an alligator who wants to play Jazz and Ray, a Cajun firefly who is love with the star that Tiana and Charlotte wish to.
Naveen's servant betrays Naveen and the villain the Shadow Man takes Naveen's blood and puts it in a necklace. When the servant wears the necklace, it makes him look like Naveen, but when the blood runs out, they must get the frog back. The Shadow Man a voodoo priest who wants control of New Orleans and to kill Charolette's dad, and because of his debt to demons, give the city to the demons of the afterworld. Mama Ode tells Naveen and Tiana that Naveen must be kissed by Charlotte--but when Naveen figures he loves Tiana, he wants to marry her. When the clock runs out at midnight, Charlotte kisses Naveen but for Tiana, not to marry him but for them to be happy---but it's too late. Tiana and Naveen figure they will happy as frogs and get married and kiss. Whe they kiss, they become humans again, because when Mama Ode married them, it made her a princess. In the end, wrongs are righted, love prevails and dreams come true.
Thank you Disney for not supplying us with yet another 3-D animated film.
Naveen's servant betrays Naveen and the villain the Shadow Man takes Naveen's blood and puts it in a necklace. When the servant wears the necklace, it makes him look like Naveen, but when the blood runs out, they must get the frog back. The Shadow Man a voodoo priest who wants control of New Orleans and to kill Charolette's dad, and because of his debt to demons, give the city to the demons of the afterworld. Mama Ode tells Naveen and Tiana that Naveen must be kissed by Charlotte--but when Naveen figures he loves Tiana, he wants to marry her. When the clock runs out at midnight, Charlotte kisses Naveen but for Tiana, not to marry him but for them to be happy---but it's too late. Tiana and Naveen figure they will happy as frogs and get married and kiss. Whe they kiss, they become humans again, because when Mama Ode married them, it made her a princess. In the end, wrongs are righted, love prevails and dreams come true.
Thank you Disney for not supplying us with yet another 3-D animated film.
Princess and the Frog: Negative Review

I went to see the movie with my friend who lived in New Orleans and she only said, "That's real," only once, and that was the slums where Tiana lived. For a movie that centers around African-Americans, they spent most of the time as frogs and there are heavy metaphors, slapping you in the face. Every time anyone sees the frogs, they scream and want to smash them, the two protagonists as frogs feel discrimination personified. Mama Ode is the epitome of the Mammy stereotype, a blind voodoo priestess. The songs are not that great, not catchy, except for the one part in her song where she goes "Mama Ode told you so!", I wish the song was called that. The only song that has stayed in my head is Tiana's, "Almost there." I don't like how Tiana has to get married in the end to order to be a princess.
All the princesses have had to get married, Cinderella was a commoner that got married & became a princess; Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) was a princess but had to get married; Jasmine (Aladdin) was already a princess but had to get married--got married in the third movie; Belle (Beauty & the Beast) was a commoner who got married to be a princess; and finally, Snow White is the only of the main Disney Princesses that didn't have to get married to be a Princess. S0, yeah I don't like how Tiana had to fall in love and get married in order to be happy and get her restaurant. Tiana works hard to get her restaurant---and the villain offers her the restaurant in exchange of the Princes' blood, he reminds her of the opposition she's had--one of the brothers she is buying the property off of says, "of your background," either to be construed as a nice way to say 'race' or 'poor.' So times Tiana even brings out the sassy black woman attitude. The main villain is a voodoo priest, the only major Black character in the movie that isn't dead is the Shadow Man. He uses voodoo dolls, demons, spirits, and blood; he even kills one of the characters.
Ray the firefly is ugly, but maybe to teach kids to make friends with ugly people. The alligator Louis is forgettable. Ray falls in love with the star Tiana and Charlotte make wishes to and spoiler alert--he dies and becomes a star, blegh, I could have gone without that. Most of the scenes with the leads as frogs are boring and obviously to build their relationship but are flimsy. Maldonia is a fictional country and Prince Naveen speaks a made up language an is voiced by a Latino. Also the white people are stereotypes, John Goodman plays Big daddy, a 2-d Southerner with no complexities. Tiana's rich friend Charlotte can be construed as a bimbo at first, but she is more than that, she is a true friend, the only positive in the movie is that if though she is a rich white girl, she doesn't forget her childhood friend Tiana and comes through for her in the end. It's not like I am looking for failures in the movie, it's just concerns and it's funny how disney writers have to fall on these things, Ron Clements & John Musker are great writers and they probably didn't notice this.
Sunday, December 20
Friday, December 18
Dollhouse "Epitaph One" Review

FOX counted the pilot as the 13th episode of the first season of Dollhouse. In order to give a 13th episode for the DVD's, international broadcasts, and for repeats. All shows have to have 13 or 22 episodes. Well except for the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Anyhoo, Joss used little budget to set an episode ten years after the first season in the future. So it is set in a post-apocolyptic future where anyone can be 'programmed' without having to had been an Active with a press of a button. So there are very few that are imprinted, those that are still themselves, are called "Actuals." Written by Joss' brother Jed and Jed's wife, actress Maurissa Tancharoen. This episode did not air on FOX and did not involve most of the cast.
Felicia Day (of the Dr. Horrible's Sing-along blog fame) and Zack Ward (of "Titus") star as Actuals who hide out and find the show's dollhouse, without knowing what it is and discover it is the source of all their trouble. They then encounter Whiskey (Amy Acker), a doll who was once imprinted as Dr. Saunders. Amy Acker is very important in this episode. She hasn't appeared yet in Season 2 but I hope they wrap that in a nice bow with a good reason. There are 'flashbacks' and 'flashfowards' in this episode, very important and fascinating episodes. I've been watching season 2 of "Dollhouse" and I am glad I saw this now when I did because it makes more sense. They have a flashforward where Paul is Echo's handlerer and has a headache, which conincides with season 2 ep "Meet Jane Doe." For fans and non-dollhouse but Whedon fans, should definitely watch this! It's a great stand-alone and deep-mythology episode. There are common Whedonesque plot twists but very welcomed.
In Jan 22, the 13th ep of season 2 airs "Epitaph Two: The Return," I hope it does air because news is that the show has been canceled by FOX.
Dollhouse Pilot Review

I saw the Dollhouse pilot on the season one DVD. Having being a fan, seeing all the episodes, also season two, I understand why Joss Whedon decided to re-do the pilot and shoot a new 1st episode. The pilot is confusing, only understandable about fans. It is like chess pieces, some pieces are ahead of others. Joss probably wanted to go in another direction, he pulled things back and pushed things forward. The pilot shows off as a showcase to Eliza, but not much of a conscious one to a new viewer. Also, certain rules have changed and they were feeling things out as they went along.
For example, in the pilot, Paul Ballard is only getting started. We are revealed in the pilot that Victor was programmed to trick Ballard, but it took about five or so episodes to reveal it in season 1. Echo is actively programmed to kill Paul in the pilot, but not so in the first episode. Things with dr. Saunders are pushed forward in the pilot and pulled back in the series, spread out. Also, Sierra is already an Active in the pilot but is a 'new' Active in the first episode. The first final episode is more polished and better to understand.
For example, in the pilot, Paul Ballard is only getting started. We are revealed in the pilot that Victor was programmed to trick Ballard, but it took about five or so episodes to reveal it in season 1. Echo is actively programmed to kill Paul in the pilot, but not so in the first episode. Things with dr. Saunders are pushed forward in the pilot and pulled back in the series, spread out. Also, Sierra is already an Active in the pilot but is a 'new' Active in the first episode. The first final episode is more polished and better to understand.
Wednesday, December 16
Roy Disney passes away
Friday, December 11
Dollhouse faux paus

Monday, December 7
Kathy Griffin on Law & Orer: Special Victims Unit

Kathy Griffin is to guest star on "Law & Orer: Special Victims Unit" or how Maggie Griffin, her mother, calls it 'SUV,' on the Feb. 10, 2010 episode. She is to play a lesbian 'Al Sharpton' activist an may have the obligatory lesbian kissing scene with Mariska Hargitay she said on the George Lopez Tonight show (which I only saw for her). She also hollered out to her Gaytino fans (me included), we love you Kathy!
TV Guide
TV Guide
Sunday, December 6
Taylor Lautner in Max Steel

Friday, December 4
Out Celebrities and where they are now
There is a big thing in Hollywood saying that open gay people wouldn't successful (even though there are plenty of gay people in the industry!!!), but these days, things have changed, thankfully. There were rare cases, but nowadays it is getting safer and safer for gay actors to be successful and people to still believe them when they play a heterosexual character. But some gay actors still want to be anonymous and that's fine. And some agents don't want their straight actors to do more than one gay role because then people will think he's gay (Like Brett Chuckerman who is straight but has played a lot of gay characters). How many 'Out' Celebrities are there out there and still have a job?
Lance Bass
After coming out on his own [3 years ago in 2006], he still doesn't have a real steady job. Supposedly he is producing now.
After coming out on his own [3 years ago in 2006], he still doesn't have a real steady job. Supposedly he is producing now.

After starring, being outted during [3 years ago in 2006], and leaving "Grey's Anatomy," he is in the musical Parade.

Adam Lambert
After outting himself on June of 2009, six months ago, his album is out and doing well.

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia derossi
Ellen came out in 1997 during her hit sitcom's run and the show was canceled the next year. It took six years until she got her hit talk show in 2003. She has paved the road but it has been a rocky road. At least she is still working and biggest example of openly homosexual success. Portia came out in 2005 after dating Ellen, she currently is on the show "Better Off Ted" and they married last year August 2008.

Rosie O' Donnell
She left her talk show in 2002, came out, lost her magazine, went to the View an after much turmoil, she rather be without makeup and staying home. Many can love or hate her, I personally love her as she speaks her mind. But she does indeed very passionate.

Neil Patrick Harris
Another success story like Ellen, his success came late. He came out in 2006, three years ago and has success with "How I Met Your Mother" and award show hosting and stage shows.

"Family Ties" actress came out recently. I'm happy she found love.

Chris Colfer
Newcomer with "Glee," his star just started rising, he is 19 and I am happy he is openly out. It shows how times have changed.
John Barrowman
Openly gay and has been with Scott Gill since 1991. Scottish actor is successful with stage shows and "Torchwood."
Yes, Clay Aiken is openly gay too but he was forced to after much nagging. And there are so many other gay actors, singers and celebrities out there but I thought these were worth mentioning. Only very few aren't "Hot" now. I am sure there are some I am missing.
Newcomer with "Glee," his star just started rising, he is 19 and I am happy he is openly out. It shows how times have changed.

Openly gay and has been with Scott Gill since 1991. Scottish actor is successful with stage shows and "Torchwood."
Yes, Clay Aiken is openly gay too but he was forced to after much nagging. And there are so many other gay actors, singers and celebrities out there but I thought these were worth mentioning. Only very few aren't "Hot" now. I am sure there are some I am missing.
Wednesday, December 2
Barbara Walters interviews Lady gaga and Adam Lambert

Barbara Walters show airs next Wednesday the 9th.
Tuesday, December 1
Grady Sizemore angry about pictures leak

Grady is not the first, as it has happened to Pete Wentz in 2005 and also Miley Cyrus [even though she kept her shirt on]. And plenty of pics of college athletes regularly hit gay pic forums, via their own Myspace or Facebook or twitter pages. Cyd Zeigler jr. of OutSports says, "He was the idiot who took the photos and sent them to at least one other person. What famous person takes photos of themselves like that, emails them and doesn’t expect them to leak? He looks good and his fanbase has increased because of them." The e-mail from CAASports says, "Such posting, therefore, subjects the Website, you, your employees, and principals, and all individuals associate with this activity to serious potential liability. Should you fail to comply immediately with the terms of this letter, we will be forced to explore all available remedies against the Website and you." Basically I think these people shouldn't do these pics but if they do, then they shouldn't complain when other people spread them around because it was their own dumb fault they put them online or THAT THEY TOOK THEM THEMSELVES. If they are private, then don't have them through e-mail and go through more security or don't even take them!!! Better safe than sorry!
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