Source: TV Guide Magazine
Explaining the title: I am forty-something Latino who has a fondness for the Japanese culture and speak Spanglish--Spanish and English. Some people say "Span-English" so I mixed it with "Engrish," which is how some Japanese pronounce English.
Tuesday, July 31
Farscape in small webisodes?
Source: TV Guide Magazine
Drew Carey is Barker's replacement and the Muppets try it again

After much discussion and wondering, it has been announced that Drew Carey will be Bob Barker's replacement on "The Price is Right" this Fall season. He beat Rosie, Ian Ziering and Mark Steines. Actually, Drew rejected their first offer and he said no and they went after him twice and he finally agreed. He also has a pilot of another game show on CBS called "Power of 10." If that gets picked up, he will be going from L.A. to New York.
As for the Muppets, they also have a pilot, that said to be digitally enhanced and 'They'll be able to walk around." They last tried to revamp "The Muppet Show" with "Muppets Tonight" that got canceled and the last remaining episodes were aired on the Disney Channel.
Source: TV Guide Magazine
Monday, July 30
Sunday, July 29
Unknown Hotties of the Week 7/30/07
St. Louis Cardinals Baseball starting pitcher.
Check more on him at my other blog Caramelitos Baronil
Check more on him at my other blog Caramelitos Baronil
Saturday, July 28
Tribute: Tom Tryon

Tom Tryon, sometimes listed as Thomas Tyron, was an actor famous for the title role of Disney's "Texas John Slaughter" TV series. He is deeply closeted, his long time companion died of AIDS in 1987 and had a romantic relationship with actor Clive Clerk.

Friday, July 27
Isn't Roasting Flavor Flav like beating a dead horse?
'Nuff said.
I mean, roast someone that is stuck up or highly respected. When someone is already down, why push him more into the ground? It's like roasting Courtney Love. Roast Brian Williams or Howard Stern or something.
I mean, roast someone that is stuck up or highly respected. When someone is already down, why push him more into the ground? It's like roasting Courtney Love. Roast Brian Williams or Howard Stern or something.
Wednesday, July 25
Ben Curtis Website updated
Check it online here.
Yes, there is shirtless pictures there as well.
Here is his Myspace pages:
The Whale Band
The Psycho Cowboy
Ben Curtis Entertainment

Yes, there is shirtless pictures there as well.
Here is his Myspace pages:
The Whale Band
The Psycho Cowboy
Ben Curtis Entertainment

I sit corrected
Related Post: The Box Office's muddle week
Tuesday, July 24
Interview with Super Sentai Producer
As you may or mat not know, I am the webmaster of a Super Sentai fan site ( and also contribute to a Power Ranger fan site ( Which was down for July 24 because of maintenance.
Here is an interview by Christian Lonsing with Super Sentai producer Hideaki Tsukada. It is an PDF file, Click here to download or view it.
Tsukada reveals in this rare interview that they are keeping hero deaths to a minimum, which is common in Super Sentai. The 'Green Ranger' we know from the original MMPR series--his Japanese counterpart Zyuranger/Burai died. Also he admits there is no communication between the Power Ranger and Super Sentai crews, but surprisingly Bandai America does have some input. Fans have wanted a red female leader and a pink male which has yet to happen, Tsukada doesn't rule it out but being it a show mainly for boys, he doubts stores would want to sell a series with a female lead. Kamen Rider, a series Toei (production company of Sentai) also produces--they only have communication at the beginning to make sure they don't have the same theme. Sequels are rare in Super Sentai, they have never happened. Each story and cast last a year long for the past 32 years. Tsukada says if the companies involved Toei and Bandai are convinced it is worth doing, they may do a sequel. He personally would love to do one on Dekaranger (Power Rangers S.P.D.)

Tsukada reveals in this rare interview that they are keeping hero deaths to a minimum, which is common in Super Sentai. The 'Green Ranger' we know from the original MMPR series--his Japanese counterpart Zyuranger/Burai died. Also he admits there is no communication between the Power Ranger and Super Sentai crews, but surprisingly Bandai America does have some input. Fans have wanted a red female leader and a pink male which has yet to happen, Tsukada doesn't rule it out but being it a show mainly for boys, he doubts stores would want to sell a series with a female lead. Kamen Rider, a series Toei (production company of Sentai) also produces--they only have communication at the beginning to make sure they don't have the same theme. Sequels are rare in Super Sentai, they have never happened. Each story and cast last a year long for the past 32 years. Tsukada says if the companies involved Toei and Bandai are convinced it is worth doing, they may do a sequel. He personally would love to do one on Dekaranger (Power Rangers S.P.D.)
Monday, July 23
Kyle XY Season 2 Episode 7 Review
July 23, 2007
Just when I thought Kyle XY wouldn't deal with gay issues, even though there is no gay character, they did and it was a welcomed surprise. The whole cliche first date at a dance and 'I don't know to dance' was turned on its head literally. Amanda invites Kyle to a dance. Lori wants to go alone with Hilary, getting single tickets cost more than a couple and the school was not accepting same sex couples. Lori and Hilary aren't gay but they still wanted to fight for rights, especially when Andy pulled together a protest which of course the Trager kids had to be involved. What is awesome is that Andy (who might have a thing with Josh) has two mothers. The principal was not for it, even though Nicole fights for them, Lori, Kyle, and Amanda are not allowed to go to the dance. They then pull together an 'Alterna-Dance.' What I love is that Lori organizes everything. I am glad they focused on equal rights.
Even though there is no gay main character, it is good to show that even this effects straight people and heterosexual people can make a difference. Kyle, who is ignorant to everything, wanted to understand why people had problems with same-sex couples. I am glad Kyle always shows the rational side, showing people how silly they are. What wouldn't a gay-themed episode be without Lori and Hilary kissing? Of course, it wasn't a total "Cruel Intentions" kiss. I liked it when Andy confronted Josh about his homophobia.. sort of. She asks if he has a problem, then ask if he was gay and said no and she said it would make him cooler. In the Swing Dance, I don't think I saw many gay couples.. well except for the two guys Andy was dancing with. And if there is gay people, you know there will be good dancers. And that is not a stereotype, it is a fact. I am glad they touched on the subject.
"Aww" to Josh turning around on the whole gay subject and then getting a cheek kiss. Also great that Declan stood up to Charlie. I fell sorry about Charlie--he is always targeted as the bad guy. Declan told Lori how he and Kyle fell apart as friends and that they didn't trust each other enough. "Romance and Interruption," Lori responses. "You and your words," Declan says. After Declan stood up to Kyle, Kyle ran to Declan to tell him the whole truth. Declan told Kyle about Foss' threat and then Lori got assaulted (she and we didn't see who it was). Wow great episode.
I didn't expect to do so many reviews on Kyle XY episodes but I guess I will be doing each week. Depends if the episode is worth mentioning.
Just when I thought Kyle XY wouldn't deal with gay issues, even though there is no gay character, they did and it was a welcomed surprise. The whole cliche first date at a dance and 'I don't know to dance' was turned on its head literally. Amanda invites Kyle to a dance. Lori wants to go alone with Hilary, getting single tickets cost more than a couple and the school was not accepting same sex couples. Lori and Hilary aren't gay but they still wanted to fight for rights, especially when Andy pulled together a protest which of course the Trager kids had to be involved. What is awesome is that Andy (who might have a thing with Josh) has two mothers. The principal was not for it, even though Nicole fights for them, Lori, Kyle, and Amanda are not allowed to go to the dance. They then pull together an 'Alterna-Dance.' What I love is that Lori organizes everything. I am glad they focused on equal rights.
Even though there is no gay main character, it is good to show that even this effects straight people and heterosexual people can make a difference. Kyle, who is ignorant to everything, wanted to understand why people had problems with same-sex couples. I am glad Kyle always shows the rational side, showing people how silly they are. What wouldn't a gay-themed episode be without Lori and Hilary kissing? Of course, it wasn't a total "Cruel Intentions" kiss. I liked it when Andy confronted Josh about his homophobia.. sort of. She asks if he has a problem, then ask if he was gay and said no and she said it would make him cooler. In the Swing Dance, I don't think I saw many gay couples.. well except for the two guys Andy was dancing with. And if there is gay people, you know there will be good dancers. And that is not a stereotype, it is a fact. I am glad they touched on the subject.
"Aww" to Josh turning around on the whole gay subject and then getting a cheek kiss. Also great that Declan stood up to Charlie. I fell sorry about Charlie--he is always targeted as the bad guy. Declan told Lori how he and Kyle fell apart as friends and that they didn't trust each other enough. "Romance and Interruption," Lori responses. "You and your words," Declan says. After Declan stood up to Kyle, Kyle ran to Declan to tell him the whole truth. Declan told Kyle about Foss' threat and then Lori got assaulted (she and we didn't see who it was). Wow great episode.
I didn't expect to do so many reviews on Kyle XY episodes but I guess I will be doing each week. Depends if the episode is worth mentioning.
Unknown Hotties of the Week 7/23/07
Philadelphia Phillies left handed pitcher that has a huge following called the 'cole miners.' He is 23 years old and married to a Playboy pinup.
More pictures here at my brother blog Caramelitos Baronil
More pictures here at my brother blog Caramelitos Baronil

24 year old 6'4" tall Houston Astros outfielder.
Click here for more pictures at Caramelitos Baronil
European Actor based in Auckland, New Zeland. He was recently in Lifetime's "A Stolen Life." More info on him here.
Sunday, July 22
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Review

Quite an enjoyable book if I may say so myself. In many stories that lead to their end, many times there is new characters and new concepts and they just don't feel part of the world. J.K. Rowling has successfully added many concepts and characters that seem right. Also many questions are answered as well. Much like the past books, this one does drag on sometimes and a boat load of information that is not exactly essential to the story. I personally loved the book, all together, I don't understand these fans that are disappointed but that is expected. The characters mature of course, much like the other books. Harry, as rebellious as he was when he was in book 5 but a level more of maturity. As usual, he does get sidetracked, Hermione warns him to stay in line but he is corrected once again. The death rate is pretty high and appropriately so. Even though this novel is darker than the others, there is still time for the usual whimsy and cutesy-ness. Of course, not as much as before but still present nonetheless. I believe everything really nicely fit in place. Like Rowling said in an interview, it basically wrote itself, it felt right.
If You Finished Reading the Book
I never liked Dumbledore coming in and explaining everything to the protagonist at the end of each novel (come on! He does!). So, since was disposed of in the last book (even though that doesn't mean much in the Harry Potter world)--I was glad I wouldn't have to read a long explanation. Boy, was I was mistaken. Even though the defeat of You-Know-Who felt a bit cliche and not tighten, I have an inkling Rowling hadn't changed it since she wrote it. Now as for the Epilogue, I guess people are upset about it because it didn't have a lot of information. I guess it was strange because she always gave excruciating details to everything else. Now, I was pretty much at peace about who died except for that poor Teddy's parents, left orphan. I guess Rowling wanted to leave someone orphan. And even though we pretty much deduced what the seventh Horcrux would be--she wrote it so beautifully. And the loopholes were pretty nice. Yeah it took me like 12 hours (with breaks and such) out of 2 days.
If you never plan to read the Books
Screw you! Read the book!
Friday, July 20
Excitement over Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Also, I would like to say that is the FIRST time I have not spoiled myself before reading/watching something. Most movies or television shows, I find out as much information as I can before I watch it. For example, for the Buffy series finale I read the script online and saw spoiler-y pictures before I saw the episode. Now in this case, I haven't searched a thing, I haven't read the New York Times review, zlitch. Yes, this is a book, but it is just the same. I am so anticipating this and can't wait to read J.K.'s wonderful words. Oh also, I don't care if anyone dies and who dies. If they die, I am sure it is for a valid reason and it will all make sense. I think what is the best of stories like these is how it effects the characters in their cores. It is all about the journey. Fans have followed these characters from their prepubescent years to near adult age and they feel for these characters and want the best for them. What they went through, we have. What makes the best sci-fi story are these elements, what grounds it in reality.
Athlete declines communication workshop

Thursday, July 19
Emmy Snubs? Seems okay for me

Wednesday, July 18
This Fall's Prime Time Sci-Fi Shows
I am glad network TV is embracing Sci-fi dramas. When "Lost" came out, there were a lot of serial-like copies and only "Heroes" stuck. These seem to be just 1-episode threads.

Bionic Woman NBC
The much hyped about Bionic Woman. I think it might be a hit, it is produced by those who renewed "Battlestar Galacta"--which is not canceled, the team just wants to call it quits. What I like about this is that when Jaime discovers she has been turned into a cyborg, she feels violated.
Chuck NBC
Chuck sounds like the short-lived UPN series "Jake 2.0." It is about a computer whiz geek who gets spy secrets downloaded into his brain and becomes an operative. If Jake failed to capture the mainstream, I doubt this will either unless it is captivating.
Pushing Daisies ABC
This has a complicated promise: A pie maker and part-time detective (aren't they all?) can revive the dead with a touch but a second touch kills. They seem to promoting it a lot, maybe it will be good. This seems interesting, i'll check it out.
Moonlight CBS
A vampire series about another good-guy vampire private eye (last were "Angel" and "Forever Knight). This comes from Angel co-producer David Greenwalt. Since Greenwalt is behind this one, I don't doubt it will be well-written but who knows if it will be successful. I am surprised CBS picked it up. It will star Alex O' Loughlin. I will definitely watch.
The Sarah Connor Chronicles FOX
This is a mid-season replacement, but "Buffy" was one too, so that doesn't bode bad tidings to this show. I will be watching because of curiosity.
Journeyman NBC
NBC is releasing three sci-fi shows, probably because the success of "Heroes." this one is about a newspaper reporter who can leap into the past. Kevin McKidd looks like Anthony Michael Hall a bit. It might be a sleeper hit or fade away.
NBC is releasing three sci-fi shows, probably because the success of "Heroes." this one is about a newspaper reporter who can leap into the past. Kevin McKidd looks like Anthony Michael Hall a bit. It might be a sleeper hit or fade away.
Chuck NBC
Chuck sounds like the short-lived UPN series "Jake 2.0." It is about a computer whiz geek who gets spy secrets downloaded into his brain and becomes an operative. If Jake failed to capture the mainstream, I doubt this will either unless it is captivating.
This has a complicated promise: A pie maker and part-time detective (aren't they all?) can revive the dead with a touch but a second touch kills. They seem to promoting it a lot, maybe it will be good. This seems interesting, i'll check it out.
Moonlight CBS
A vampire series about another good-guy vampire private eye (last were "Angel" and "Forever Knight). This comes from Angel co-producer David Greenwalt. Since Greenwalt is behind this one, I don't doubt it will be well-written but who knows if it will be successful. I am surprised CBS picked it up. It will star Alex O' Loughlin. I will definitely watch.
Reaper The CW
Cutie geek Bret Harrison stars as a 21-year old who his parents sell his soul to the devil and must serve as a grim reaper to capture hell's escapees. Strange and crooked premise but we'll see it really sticks. I'm going to watch.
Cutie geek Bret Harrison stars as a 21-year old who his parents sell his soul to the devil and must serve as a grim reaper to capture hell's escapees. Strange and crooked premise but we'll see it really sticks. I'm going to watch.

This is a mid-season replacement, but "Buffy" was one too, so that doesn't bode bad tidings to this show. I will be watching because of curiosity.
New Amsterdam FOX
This also has an interesting plot. A NYPD cop who has been immortal since saving a Native American woman's life 4oo years ago. His mission is to find love, touching. As Fox cancel their shows so quickly, I will watch it.
This also has an interesting plot. A NYPD cop who has been immortal since saving a Native American woman's life 4oo years ago. His mission is to find love, touching. As Fox cancel their shows so quickly, I will watch it.
Kathy Griffin's Life on the D-List

But only seven episodes? I feel like it so soon. Well, I checked it and it is one more episode than the past two seasons. Season 1 and 2 had six episodes each. What got me is that until now the show is premiering in Great Britain, and season 1 is on DVD, this show started two years ago! What is the delay? Well hopefully, it is going to get faster. Her mother and father, who I have seen for a long time in her specials and the talk show on MTV about reality shows (she had an obsession). Her father passing away did effect me, he was really great guy, funny. Reminded me of my grandfather, who also may he rest in peace. She was really touched by everyone reaching out, especially Perez Hilton (they were so cute in last night's episode posing for the Paparazzi). So the best to Kathy, critics love her show. She is coming to Fort Lauderdale in August, I hope I can see her show!
The Box Office's muddle week
Related Topics: The rest of the Summer Box Office Predictions
Monday, July 16
Kyle XY The plot gets thicker

Emily is living a double life, not only is Jessi XX her charge but she has a regular life--a child. A child who seemingly lives with her mother. She has to balance them out. If the show makes us think, then one has to wonder why Emily goes through all of this just for a job. You can see it in her face. Teh actress wonderfully says without words, 'why am I doing this?' Jessi is slowly starting to question this all. Another thing is have Jessi and Kyle ever said anything to each other? They haven't been properly introduced. That is getting to be a bitch--which I think will be done by the next episode.
The show is so good that not only Emily slapped Jessi on the Trager's, Emily has become 'friends' with Nicole and Stephen got a job at robot corp (forget the name)---now Emily is flirting with him. I admit I did not expect Ballatine to be much of a villain. I though the didn't know much, but he does indeed know more than he is letting on. Ballatine in the last episode, took Adam's ring that Kyle pawned off and hired Stephen to the company. Smarty.
Of course there is plenty of growing pains such as Josh's first date and romantic triangles. Declan and Jessi vibying off each other and Lori jealous of it. Josh and Andy clicking without Josh being aware of it and Andy not admitting it. Amanda always watches Kyle and Kyle always watches her, they seem so meant to each other. And what I suspected all along was the surprise ending and okay here is the major spoilers if you haven't seen the episode...
Spoilers in White (below)
Adam's message to Kyle was that not to trust Tom Foss.
Child Star Camp and how TV lets careers grow

In the article, they mention how some people believe you can't grow your career in television. Which I highly disagree because television actually builds careers and rejuvenate them. Stars are born. For example, Shia LeBeouf, Lindsey Lohan, Haley Joel Osment, and Hilary Duff all started in television. Now, I am not talking about the current status of the stars. Also, with adult actors--television pops them out of obscurity like Anthony Michael Hall ("The Dead Zone") or just reinforce their careers like Kyra Sedgwick ("The Closer"). So TV is good. The article also mentions how Nick and Disney also give shows or movies to brothers and sisters like Hayden Panettiere's brother Jansen Panettiere getting a movie ("The Last Day of Summer"), Britney Spears' little sister getting "All That" and her own show, and also, Emma Roberts--her famous family.
Unknown Hotties of the Week 7/16/07
Sunday, July 15
Controversy Overlooked in Transformers movie?

Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix Movie Review
Now what everyone in the Muggle (I hear the term so little that sometimes I forget what it is) world have been hearing is that Harry Potter will die. There is much confusion for non-diehard fans that if it is from the movie or the upcoming final chapter of the series since both are debuting this month. Many people in my life have not read the books: my parents, my nephew, and my best friend to name a few. They love seeing the movies though. This movie is really good, beautifully visually and realistically emotionally. It is deep and psychological, much like The Prisoner of Azkaban. And certain things are twisted. Potter's love interest Cho Chang is shown to betray him through the veritaserum and then not mentioned again. In the book, it was her friend to told and the gang found out she was the squealer by a hex on her face. Cho and Harry simply 'fell apart' because of misguided jealously of Hermione and defending her friend Marietta.
In watching the latest adaptation, it is enjoyable for the casual viewer but there is a lot of hidden information that only ones that have read Rowling's wonderful words to truly know. In some of the other movies, I wondered if the movies only serve as nods to the fans but I figure it serves as both. I see the movies as to avenues to things I might have missed and also as different interpretations. For Rowling herself, her characters aren't the actors or the move interpretations but what she originally has in her mind. They have stayed the same for her. For example, the Dobby in my mind is way cooler than the one in the second film. This movie very much has nods to the book and plenty of hidden stuff. Sure, it omits certain things. No Marietta (Cho's friend), Gilderoy Lockhart, Dobby, Rita Skeeter, Fienze, Quidditch, nor Madame Maxime.
For Die Hard Fans
What is wonderfully kept is Harry's friend Seamus not believing him because of his mother and resolution. I am glad they kept this part in. What I felt cheapen the torment that bitch (wonderfully played by the actress in this movie) Umbridge did to Harry, was she did it to all of the D.A. in this movie. The building up of the twin's exit was excellent. This director David Yates and newcomer scribe Mike Goldenberg did a better job than the last team. This movie does well of mixing in details that had to be skipped and wonderfully playing the moments. The Goblet of Fire adaptation felt rushed and no real moments, no emotional attachment or its own identity. This movie has all of that. It does very well of capturing the theme of alienation and togetherness. In a concocted scene in the forbidden forest between Harry and Luna, wonderfully sums up the theme of the movie. While this scene's dialog felt a little forced, it did sound like something Luna would say. Luna played by Evanna Lynch did a wonderful job, just as spacey as described by Rowling. Evanna is a diehard fan according to Radcliffe is hot as ever.
All of the boys are hot in this one, including Rupert Grint (Ron). The film smartly brings the brave Ron we know from the books and downplays the 'scared Ron' that has previously been in the past flicks. I think the brave and popular Ron is what should be kept. As much as all the characters have changed, their dynamics have as well, more noticeable in the films. The book makes seem as if Harry and his two best friends are hated by everyone but indeed, they have a strong circle of friends and that what the movie addresses. Harry worries hurting the ones he loves and wants to go at it alone as his enemies make him feel alone but he must embrace his friends. The director does a fine job of exploring the worries of Harry (his godfather, his alienation, fearing he might be dark as Voldermort). Most reviewers are calling this movie 'dark.' I do admit the last one was a bit more cheery, but this movie is sure to have comparisons to The Prisoner of Azkaban and I think it is appropriate for that movie to be the first to start the dark tone.
Some parts are understandably reduced and this movie can't be expected to follow everything word for word and I applaud their cuts. As I would have liked to see Ron on a broom and uniform... what is in the film is vital to the overall theme. Though I was hoping for the flashback with Hagrid and Maxime, there is a lot that is crammed in this movie as it is. As fans complain and I as well, I think it is incredible these actors and crews can pump out these films as quickly as they are in this soon to be nine years (Deathly Hallows is expected to come out in 2010). Much love and appreciation goes to the cast and crew. It must be exhausting.
Side Note
Can't wait till Saturday but I am fearing if I read it too quickly, all the magic will be over way too soon.
What is in pink was updated and reworded at 10:47pm EST.
In watching the latest adaptation, it is enjoyable for the casual viewer but there is a lot of hidden information that only ones that have read Rowling's wonderful words to truly know. In some of the other movies, I wondered if the movies only serve as nods to the fans but I figure it serves as both. I see the movies as to avenues to things I might have missed and also as different interpretations. For Rowling herself, her characters aren't the actors or the move interpretations but what she originally has in her mind. They have stayed the same for her. For example, the Dobby in my mind is way cooler than the one in the second film. This movie very much has nods to the book and plenty of hidden stuff. Sure, it omits certain things. No Marietta (Cho's friend), Gilderoy Lockhart, Dobby, Rita Skeeter, Fienze, Quidditch, nor Madame Maxime.
For Die Hard Fans
What is wonderfully kept is Harry's friend Seamus not believing him because of his mother and resolution. I am glad they kept this part in. What I felt cheapen the torment that bitch (wonderfully played by the actress in this movie) Umbridge did to Harry, was she did it to all of the D.A. in this movie. The building up of the twin's exit was excellent. This director David Yates and newcomer scribe Mike Goldenberg did a better job than the last team. This movie does well of mixing in details that had to be skipped and wonderfully playing the moments. The Goblet of Fire adaptation felt rushed and no real moments, no emotional attachment or its own identity. This movie has all of that. It does very well of capturing the theme of alienation and togetherness. In a concocted scene in the forbidden forest between Harry and Luna, wonderfully sums up the theme of the movie. While this scene's dialog felt a little forced, it did sound like something Luna would say. Luna played by Evanna Lynch did a wonderful job, just as spacey as described by Rowling. Evanna is a diehard fan according to Radcliffe is hot as ever.
All of the boys are hot in this one, including Rupert Grint (Ron). The film smartly brings the brave Ron we know from the books and downplays the 'scared Ron' that has previously been in the past flicks. I think the brave and popular Ron is what should be kept. As much as all the characters have changed, their dynamics have as well, more noticeable in the films. The book makes seem as if Harry and his two best friends are hated by everyone but indeed, they have a strong circle of friends and that what the movie addresses. Harry worries hurting the ones he loves and wants to go at it alone as his enemies make him feel alone but he must embrace his friends. The director does a fine job of exploring the worries of Harry (his godfather, his alienation, fearing he might be dark as Voldermort). Most reviewers are calling this movie 'dark.' I do admit the last one was a bit more cheery, but this movie is sure to have comparisons to The Prisoner of Azkaban and I think it is appropriate for that movie to be the first to start the dark tone.
Some parts are understandably reduced and this movie can't be expected to follow everything word for word and I applaud their cuts. As I would have liked to see Ron on a broom and uniform... what is in the film is vital to the overall theme. Though I was hoping for the flashback with Hagrid and Maxime, there is a lot that is crammed in this movie as it is. As fans complain and I as well, I think it is incredible these actors and crews can pump out these films as quickly as they are in this soon to be nine years (Deathly Hallows is expected to come out in 2010). Much love and appreciation goes to the cast and crew. It must be exhausting.
Side Note
Can't wait till Saturday but I am fearing if I read it too quickly, all the magic will be over way too soon.
What is in pink was updated and reworded at 10:47pm EST.
Thursday, July 12
Pray Where You Pee

These are unique public urinals in southwestern China's Chongqing municipality. This was recently built in July. The disputed toilet features an Egyptian facade, soothing music and more than 1,000 toilets spread out over 30,000 square feet. Officials claim the free four-story bathroom is the largest public bathroom in the world and they summited an application to Guiness World Records. It has 1,000 toilets spread out over 32,290 square feet. To me, it looks like Virgin Marys and demons and crocodiles. Wikipedia says 'several that are topped by the bust of a woman resembling the Virgin Mary.' Some might find this offensive, dang, let's admit it, a lot of people would find it offensive. I personally, find it interesting and courageous and innovative art. Unless you see the sinks.

Best and Worst Bathrooms at AOL | Yahoo! News | CNN article
Wednesday, July 11
Phantom Fairness?

Tuesday, July 10
Dream Casting: Jem - Supporting Cast and Others
Well now that Jem fans are musing about a possible live-action movie and suggesting their dream cast, here is my 2 cents on the rest of the cast. Every good movie needs a supporting cast and Jem had a boat load of them. Clearly I am a die hard fan and most Jem fans are. Also you may notice with the last post, I pick obscure and virtually unknown actresses in the roles, in other words, people you wouldn't normally thought of for the role.

How Jerrica actually transformed into Jem was through a super advanced computer that her father built, originally meant for using holograms to revolutionize the music and entertainment industry but it became so powerful that he feared it landing in the wrong hands so he left it in possession of his birth and foster daughters. Her personality was modeled after Jerrica and Kimber's singer mother who died when they were young.

As it can be imagined, it was hard to think about what actress can balanced a stoic computerize mentor that gave motherly advice and also be coy. Brenda is the go-to dead mother narrator, I can see her both being funny and good with advice. I don't know how she will look in purple, but she would be good as Jacqui Benton in flashbacks.

Shana's boyfriend and confidant and director for virtually everything involving the Holograms such as movies and music videos.

She is a VJ that had her own show. Now, could any old MTV VJ play her or someone with personality? I think Kathy Griffin would be hilarious as a mix of Lindsey and gossip queen Harriet Horn. Or to be totally vicious, maybe someone like Perez Hilton in drag. Too bad Divine is gone. Or...

She could totally do the vicious gossip queen shtick.

The videographer of Jem's friends, if they keep it in the 80's, the big lugging camera would make sense. I guess if it is set now, she can have one of those small DVs and just be a doing a web-exclusive material for them.

Video's cousin. She was the wild and crazy fan of the Misfits, she made a ruckus with symbols on her wrists.

He wasn't a doll but had his name on his jacket for some reason. Eric Raymond (baddie) used him for dirty deeds to 'ruin' Jem. He was a shady character that was also used for comic relief. For some reason, in some episodes his hair turned black.

He can be like the muscle and the bad egg, eye candy to boot.

When writers got bored with Zipper, a new character was introduced. Techrat, a tech expert who Eric Raymond employed to 'ruin' Jem. Show writer Christy Marx originally wanted Techrat to be a Boy George-like androgynous and ambiguous. Unfortunately, whoever was in charge wasn't comfortable with the idea and made him male.

With a live-action version, I think can get away with an ambiguous character like Christy previously envisioned. It would be much more looser to do so with this character since he wasn't a Hasbro doll. J.D. Pardo has done gender bending before with a lifetime movie based on the brave individual Gwen. I think something in between who fit nicely.

Guess what she did? Well, she had an awesome storyline in which she broke her leg and had to go through rehab. Cartoon characters going through rehab, awesome.

As with the characters, I say what the hell and cast the extra characters too even though they were not in the beginning. Raya was the 'new' Hologram and naive to the show business and had a Latina accent. Personally growing up, I liked that she was Hispanic. It might sound silly but I kinda identified with her--okay she is like a sister.

She was the tough new girl in the Misfits. She played the saxophone. She took crap from nobody. According to Christy Marx, when she suggested the new Misfit be African-American, the people in charge were against the idea but that a British character would be fine. It's funny. My vision of a black Misfit would have a mohawk for some reason.

Amy Whinehouse
I think she can do the mean strong chick thing. Did I pick her solely because she's British? Come on, she does Jazz and Jetta was into Jazz.
Update 12/29/09: On second thought, Maybe not.
I think she can do the mean strong chick thing. Did I pick her solely because she's British? Come on, she does Jazz and Jetta was into Jazz.
Update 12/29/09: On second thought, Maybe not.
Related Topic: Dreamcasting Jem
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