Explaining the title: I am forty-something Latino who has a fondness for the Japanese culture and speak Spanglish--Spanish and English. Some people say "Span-English" so I mixed it with "Engrish," which is how some Japanese pronounce English.
Saturday, June 30
Rats in the media on Entertainment Weekly.com
Thursday, June 28
Hatshepsut: Foremost of Noble Ladies

IndyStar.com article
Egypt ICT article--more on Zahi Hawass
An inscription at the time details this change in power: 'Came forth the king of the gods, Amun-Re, from his temple, saying: "Welcome, my sweet daughter, my favourite, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Maatkare, Hatshepsut. Thou art the king, taking possession of the Two Lands". Josephus writes that she reigned for 21 years and 9 months while Africanus states her reign lasted 22 years, both of whom were quoting Manetho. More description here in Wikipedia.
The Woman King webpage
The Story of Hatshepsut
As the Feminist movement matured, prominent women from antiquity were sought out and their achievements became increasingly publicized. Hatshepsut went from being one of the most obscure leaders of Egypt at the beginning of the 20th century to one of its most famous by the century's end. Biographies such as Hatshepsut by Evelyn Wells romanticized her as a beautiful and pacifistic woman — "the first great woman in History". This was quite a contrast to the 19th-century view of Hatshepsut as a wicked step mother usurping the throne from Thutmose III. The novel Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw kept her as a wicked step-mom.
Egypt ICT article--more on Zahi Hawass
An inscription at the time details this change in power: 'Came forth the king of the gods, Amun-Re, from his temple, saying: "Welcome, my sweet daughter, my favourite, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Maatkare, Hatshepsut. Thou art the king, taking possession of the Two Lands". Josephus writes that she reigned for 21 years and 9 months while Africanus states her reign lasted 22 years, both of whom were quoting Manetho. More description here in Wikipedia.
The Woman King webpage
The Story of Hatshepsut

RBD's Christian Chavez tells all to People En Español

En la revista de People En Español de agosto, que está disponible ahora -- Christian Chavez de RBD se entrevista para la primera vez sobre su unión con el estilista William "B.J." Murphy. Ambos se conocieron cuando ellos viajo a Canada para filmar la telenovela y él deseó dejar la telenovela y moverse allí. Anahi lo hizo entrar en razon a y él hablo con sus padres. Le dijeron que no entendieran 'pero si esto te hace feliz, adelante.' Murphy aprendió Español y consiguió eventualmente se casado. El grupo aceptó completamente a Christian pero él tiena miedo que la Iglesia iva venir encima y la responsable por los niños.

Alfonso dice "los admiro muchisimo porque llevan una relaxcion bastante buen a." El artículo también habla sobre todo de su nuevo programa RBD: El la Familia, que está en México. El artículo también reclama su negaxion en una preiva entrevista en el 2006 pero la gente tiene que entender que él tienia miedo. Cuál es divertido es que él comparte mi cumpleaños, el 7 de Agosto. Él es un año mas joven de mí. Su marido es 2 años más joven que él. El artículo es refrescante y estoy feliz para Christian y BJ.
[Un poco que excribir en Ingles era difícil para que yo lo traduzco.]
Kathy Griffin around Drive-by Shooting
Check out the video:
TMZ.com shots fired who wants to kill Kathy Griffin
Paparazzi were videoing Kathy Griffin (who I was googling to see if she got any publicity) as she left the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel and shots were heard in the background and everyone ducked. The video is pretty freaky because there you see cute little Kathy and then it gets black and floor and screaming. The shooting happened around 2:20 a.m. at Hollywood Boulevard and Orange Drive, said Los Angeles Police Department Media Relations Officer April Harding. Two men got into a verbal altercation over a space in a nearby parking lot, Harding said. One guy got winged and seen in the video, he was very eloquent. This happened in early June, all reports were posted on June 15th. I wanna hear what Kathy thinks about what TMZ.com wrote.
Latimes.com blog click here
TMZ.com shots fired who wants to kill Kathy Griffin
Paparazzi were videoing Kathy Griffin (who I was googling to see if she got any publicity) as she left the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel and shots were heard in the background and everyone ducked. The video is pretty freaky because there you see cute little Kathy and then it gets black and floor and screaming. The shooting happened around 2:20 a.m. at Hollywood Boulevard and Orange Drive, said Los Angeles Police Department Media Relations Officer April Harding. Two men got into a verbal altercation over a space in a nearby parking lot, Harding said. One guy got winged and seen in the video, he was very eloquent. This happened in early June, all reports were posted on June 15th. I wanna hear what Kathy thinks about what TMZ.com wrote.
Latimes.com blog click here
Maria Bamford in Super Deluxe.com
Check out all episodes, it is up to 8 now.
I love this comedian and she is awesome and this is a great idea.
Wednesday, June 27
Rescue Me: Tommy's Ego takes blows
Season 4, Episode 3
Tommy Gavin can be a real asshole sometimes so its funny to see him brought down a couple pegs. The 'probie', Mike, has always reach out to him because he looked up to him. And especially now that his mom is dying. After begging and begging, and through Tommy's avoiding of Nona (Jennifer Esposito), he goes out with Mike for dinner. Nona is the woman who helped tommy out of the fire from last season's finale. Mike was known for being bi-curious but is now celibate, Tommy acts weird around him. When comforting Mike, he notices the restaurant he took him to was full of male couples. Mike called it 'mandates,' where straight men come to talk about something other than sports, thats why not TV sets are in the restaurant.
While Tommy freaks out, a gay man winks at Tommy and the man's boyfriend comes to Tommy angry. It was a pretty funny scene Luckily Nona walks in and Tommy and Mike clench to her. Nona mentions that there are a lot of 'homos' there. Where I don't necessarily approve of them saying 'homos,' it is pretty common in the show. Mike was going to follow Tommy and Nona but Tommy rebuffs him. When Nona takes Tommy home, she tries to make the moves on him and he backs away. She thinks he has a pride problem because she took him out of the fire but in reality, it is about his performance level. He was told by Sheila (the crazy bitch who raped him and caused the fire) that he couldn't perform sexually, so he wants to take it slow. Nona is convinced he is gay and call him 'princess' and 'sweetness.' While it was mean and homophobic, it was a funny scene. Tommy then gets beat up by his daughter's boyfriend.
Tommy Gavin can be a real asshole sometimes so its funny to see him brought down a couple pegs. The 'probie', Mike, has always reach out to him because he looked up to him. And especially now that his mom is dying. After begging and begging, and through Tommy's avoiding of Nona (Jennifer Esposito), he goes out with Mike for dinner. Nona is the woman who helped tommy out of the fire from last season's finale. Mike was known for being bi-curious but is now celibate, Tommy acts weird around him. When comforting Mike, he notices the restaurant he took him to was full of male couples. Mike called it 'mandates,' where straight men come to talk about something other than sports, thats why not TV sets are in the restaurant.
While Tommy freaks out, a gay man winks at Tommy and the man's boyfriend comes to Tommy angry. It was a pretty funny scene Luckily Nona walks in and Tommy and Mike clench to her. Nona mentions that there are a lot of 'homos' there. Where I don't necessarily approve of them saying 'homos,' it is pretty common in the show. Mike was going to follow Tommy and Nona but Tommy rebuffs him. When Nona takes Tommy home, she tries to make the moves on him and he backs away. She thinks he has a pride problem because she took him out of the fire but in reality, it is about his performance level. He was told by Sheila (the crazy bitch who raped him and caused the fire) that he couldn't perform sexually, so he wants to take it slow. Nona is convinced he is gay and call him 'princess' and 'sweetness.' While it was mean and homophobic, it was a funny scene. Tommy then gets beat up by his daughter's boyfriend.
Jack and Lem Book Review

Saying Jack and Lem were best friends doesn't give their relationship justice, the author and I agree that they were life partners, not in a sexual manner but they were always there for each other. Lem was Jack's number #1 go-to guy and Jack was pretty much the love of Lem's life. They met in the 30's as teenagers in an all boy school. And as commonly known among gay men, straight boys will play around and would jack off in front of each other or have a masturbation circle. Now, the book details about a ritual if one boy wanted to engage with another boy, he would write a note on toilet paper because it is so easily disposable. Such a note from Lem to Jack existed and briefly mentioned by Jack in a letter to Lem, basically a off-the-collar rejection. No one knows what was written on the toilet paper but those two.

Lem had his own room in the White House. The guards and secret service knew who he was and he had no pass the whole time he was there. Some people thought he was secret service. After Jack and Robert died, Lem put it on himself to educate the young Kennedys about Jack and Robert, because the older Kennedys felt talking about them when they were alive was too sad. Lem even took Bobby Jr. under his wing for a while. The Wikipedia article is just a few sentences and it does mention Jackie didn't want Lem around at the kids in the end because he was an alcoholic. The book doesn't mention this but it does mention that Lem did get depend on alcohol because he was depressed and heartbroken. Jackie and Lem's relationship was love and hate, sometimes they didn't get along but they got along because of their love for Jack. It is also little known that Lem was the one to encourage Jackie to refurnish the White House.

The book does mentioned some men Lem was probably with, but no real details. There is one chapter that details about being gay in America, basic stuff I know about Stonewall; and how Lem did think about what impact it would be if he came out, being close to the Kennedys and all. He really wasn't a public figure, till today not many knew he was Jack's close friend. But back then, it might have made waves if people found out that the President's best friend was gay and had his own room in the White House. The chapter on gay life sort of makes up for the lack of mentioning of it in the middle of the book. The author is very open minded and handles the subjects of gender, sexual orientation and identity with dignity and respect. Lem died in 1981 of an heart attack at home and some believe his heart had been broken for a long time. Many personal friends said he was heart broken after Jack died, even more after Robert did. Lem's dying wish was for his casket to be carried and lowered in the plot by the Kennedy boys. When they arrived to the cemetery, they found the casket already in place. So to honor his memory, they took it out, took it around and then lowered in the plot. Jack and Lem's relationship wasn't scandalous or anything, but dependent. How Pitts eloquently puts it, theirs was a life partnership but not sexual. I think it shows how a great man Jack was, that his close friend was gay and he didn't matter to him.
Tuesday, June 26
Kyle XY Season 2 Episode 3 Review
Spoilers Abound
As school starts, everybody's favorite annoying repenting skank Hillary (Chelan Simmons) appears and there is a 'list' that will come out listing the 'best' or 'most' of everybody, pretty much judging everybody. Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) fears it as much as Hillary does but also starts his new job at the local hangout (which seems to be the new common set in the show from now on) and finds an admirer in Andy (Magda Apanowicz), a eccentric gamer. Hillary and Lori do a 're-virginate' ritual, which is pretty much lame but it is refreshing to see treated with an open mind and so frank (they ask Amanda what 'virgins' do to pass the time) in this family show. Nicole hasn't gone back to her job as a child psychiatrist because she is doubting herself because of her inability to get through to Kyle, who is sticking to not telling Declan (or anyone for the matter) the truth. And with that, Declan is really down and avoiding Lori (April Matson)--she takes it personally. I love her new hair-do by the way. By the way, Ballantine (Conrad Coates) shocks Emily Hollander with a drastic change to XX (Jaimie Alexander).
The episode lags in the first half but kicks into high gear in the second half. Everything pretty much comes together and falls apart. Now, here are the spoilers. Declan has been avoiding Lori and when Lori confronts him, he makes a decision that just doesn't make sense and you wish didn't happened. But usually, with teenagers, it is like this. The show leads you to believe that the reason he breaks up with her because he is crushed because Kyle refuses to let him in. Now this adds to my theory that Kyle and Declan's relationship is an underlining subtext Gay relationship. This is common in early movies and some still believe about Bert and Ernie and Chandler and Joey. Well, I find their relationship refreshing, gay or not. Declan protects Kyle even when he saves a girl from a burning house and he isn't burned. It irks Kyle that the boyfriend of crush of his life Amanda--Charlie has told her the truth of his cheating. He wants to tell her the truth but his friends tell him to stay clear. Needless to say, in a heartbreaking scene (albeit being a bit cliche, it still clenches the heart) the 'List' mentioning before and mentioned in the title lists Charlie as 'biggest slut' much to Amanda's disbelief.
Then and there, Amanda decides to come clear but what is even worse, not only Amanda and Charlie are over and Amanda discovered the truth, Amanda also deduced that this information was what Kyle wanted to tell her. She tells him that he should have told her--adding emotional blow. The show is so smart that instead of having just a plain girl being saved by Kyle in a burning house--she was one of the girls Charlie was cheating with. Also adding another dynamic in this family show, more family--Jessi XX is made to believe that Emily Hollander her sister, making Hollander responsible for her. Jessi XX is inputed information like a computer, entering a scary notion to the mythology---that it could possible that Kyle's memories can be wiped. This definitely going to be interesting.
As school starts, everybody's favorite annoying repenting skank Hillary (Chelan Simmons) appears and there is a 'list' that will come out listing the 'best' or 'most' of everybody, pretty much judging everybody. Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) fears it as much as Hillary does but also starts his new job at the local hangout (which seems to be the new common set in the show from now on) and finds an admirer in Andy (Magda Apanowicz), a eccentric gamer. Hillary and Lori do a 're-virginate' ritual, which is pretty much lame but it is refreshing to see treated with an open mind and so frank (they ask Amanda what 'virgins' do to pass the time) in this family show. Nicole hasn't gone back to her job as a child psychiatrist because she is doubting herself because of her inability to get through to Kyle, who is sticking to not telling Declan (or anyone for the matter) the truth. And with that, Declan is really down and avoiding Lori (April Matson)--she takes it personally. I love her new hair-do by the way. By the way, Ballantine (Conrad Coates) shocks Emily Hollander with a drastic change to XX (Jaimie Alexander).
The episode lags in the first half but kicks into high gear in the second half. Everything pretty much comes together and falls apart. Now, here are the spoilers. Declan has been avoiding Lori and when Lori confronts him, he makes a decision that just doesn't make sense and you wish didn't happened. But usually, with teenagers, it is like this. The show leads you to believe that the reason he breaks up with her because he is crushed because Kyle refuses to let him in. Now this adds to my theory that Kyle and Declan's relationship is an underlining subtext Gay relationship. This is common in early movies and some still believe about Bert and Ernie and Chandler and Joey. Well, I find their relationship refreshing, gay or not. Declan protects Kyle even when he saves a girl from a burning house and he isn't burned. It irks Kyle that the boyfriend of crush of his life Amanda--Charlie has told her the truth of his cheating. He wants to tell her the truth but his friends tell him to stay clear. Needless to say, in a heartbreaking scene (albeit being a bit cliche, it still clenches the heart) the 'List' mentioning before and mentioned in the title lists Charlie as 'biggest slut' much to Amanda's disbelief.
Then and there, Amanda decides to come clear but what is even worse, not only Amanda and Charlie are over and Amanda discovered the truth, Amanda also deduced that this information was what Kyle wanted to tell her. She tells him that he should have told her--adding emotional blow. The show is so smart that instead of having just a plain girl being saved by Kyle in a burning house--she was one of the girls Charlie was cheating with. Also adding another dynamic in this family show, more family--Jessi XX is made to believe that Emily Hollander her sister, making Hollander responsible for her. Jessi XX is inputed information like a computer, entering a scary notion to the mythology---that it could possible that Kyle's memories can be wiped. This definitely going to be interesting.
Sunday, June 24
Who are you calling a Cootie Queen, you Lint Licker!
This is hilarious! I love the line "Lint Licker."
Unknown Hotties of the Week 6/25/07

24 year old All-Star Third Baseman for the New York Mets is like 4 months younger than me.
Here on Caramelitos Baronil

Irish actor, he trained as an apprentice electrician, he then auditioned for and won a place at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and won the Sir Anthony Hopkins Scholarship.

Has had guest spots on "Grounded for Life" and "American Dreams." He was featured in the movies Flight of the Living Dead and The Girl Next Door. He was also in the pilot of "Gay Robot."
Saturday, June 23
Friday, June 22
Jeffrey Donovan's Burn Notice Shooting at my neighborhood!!!

Thursday, June 21
Bad Taste in a News Byte about death

NBC News article
Halifax article
The autopsy is to be done Thursday--I don't know which Thursday it will be. No one knows yet what they were doing but the Taxicab driver that discovered their bodies, believe that they were having sex. Clothing was discovered on the roof.
Tuesday, June 19
Honeys, it is Prince PHILIP--not Charming

Okay, a few months ago, David Beckham posed as Prince Philip from "Sleeping Beauty" for Disneyworld (and Scarlett Johansson was Cinderella).
How he feels about here on YouTube (the crew is from Spain apparently)
How he feels about here on YouTube (the crew is from Spain apparently)

Wha? Fantastic on top and Pirates is 'Four'

Entertainment Weekly Online Movie Charts
The last addition to Smallville: Supergirl

What is the importance of labels between straight and gay?

Monday, June 18
Good Keanu won't be in "The Watchmen"
If you didn't know, Warner Bros is going along with Alan Moore's classic "The Watchmen." And casting has started and Aintitcoolnews.com reports that Keanu Reeves passed on the role of Dr. Manhattan because Warner wasn't backed away from his pricing. While CHUD.com says who won't be in a movie, i think it will take a while until we know who exactly will be in the movie. I remember when they were casting the first X-Men movie and there were a lot of rumors and the cast that was going to be, we sort of didn't believe was going to be them but it ended up being them. My friends (you know who you are) were talking about Keanu Reeves the other day, that his only greatest role is Bill & Ted's while all the other roles, seem to be religious-inspired, suck. I just don't think they cast him right. Or that he can even act. Anyhoo, enough Reeves bashing, I think they will probably do a 'Silver Surfer' to Dr. Manhattan and hire a no-no and just CGI him. Shooting for "The Watchmen" will commence this Fall.
Batmans got a new bag and kids don't mind

Also, it seems Maggie Gyllenhaal (taking over for Katie) and Aaron Eckhart will also be in The Dark Knight.
Unknown Hotties of the Week 6/18/07

More on him here at Caramelitos Baronil
RJ Helton: I could have told you that

Sunday, June 17
Robot Chicken Star Wars Review
Tonight Cartoon Network/Adult Swim ran a special about Star Wars-theme Robot Chicken, a half-hour long.

I thought it was going to mostly clips but in truth, it had a lot of new ones, sprinkled with old clips (Darth Vader spoiling everything for Luke, George W. Bush dreaming he is a Jedi). Some that are great are Yar-Yar Binks bugging Darth Vader, alien strip club, Death Star general telling the others to pretend Darth Vader strangles them, Boba Fett pretending he is fighting with Han Solo (when he was a trophy at Jaba the Hutt's place.) and then gets romantic, and background story on the guy in the Cantina that Obi-Wan cut his arm off in Episode 4. One part I really really love was with that worm monster that couldn't get the Millennium Falcon--another one comes about and it is hilarious, I love that they have British accents and I believe one of them is Seth Green. Some are hit or miss like Luke Skywalker and the Emperor doing a 'Your mama' battle or a scene with Luke when he blew up the Death Star and wants to call his uncles and realizes the facts. Also, George Lucas did a guest voice as himself.
Sierra Mist Commercials
Jim Gaffigan and Michael Ian Black are best known for the Sierra Mist Commercials. But when it started a few years ago, it mostly starred Nicole Sullivan, Debra Wilson and Aries Spears (Mostly in the background) from MADTV with Michael.
Then Jim joined in. Every commercial, they change, become new characters. In some cases, it seemed Michael and Nicole were a couple. Kathy Griffin and Tracy Morgan did two or three commercials.
Then most of the MADTV alumnis except for Debra disappeared and it was just Jim and Michael.
In a recent commercial, Jim and Michael appear with Nicole Randall Johnson (current MADTV member) and this other guy I can't remember his name.
Then Jim joined in. Every commercial, they change, become new characters. In some cases, it seemed Michael and Nicole were a couple. Kathy Griffin and Tracy Morgan did two or three commercials.
Then most of the MADTV alumnis except for Debra disappeared and it was just Jim and Michael.
In a recent commercial, Jim and Michael appear with Nicole Randall Johnson (current MADTV member) and this other guy I can't remember his name.
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Review
I did not expect to see this movie and I have not seen the first movie. Of course I was happy to see Chris Evans, he is all over the movie. I was waiting for his shirtless scene and it reached until like 45 minutes into it (I sound like the guys from "Knocked Up," watch it!). Iaon Gruffudd is sort of boring as Mr. Fantastic, I don't think it was good fit to begin with. When he is enjoying himself--it looks forced. Iaon was hot in "Hornblower" but unfortunately it only translates in waves. And they still don't got the stretching effect to be seamless, it still lacks fluidity through the live-action and CGI. Also, Kerry Washington (Alicia, the blind girlfriend of The Thing) is great in the movie. The Fantasti-Car makes its debut, at first you think: what is the big deal? But it is actually alright.
The Silver Surfer was employed by Galactus to destroy planets--in exchange for sparing his planet. Just when Sue and Reed are finally getting married, the silver dude makes his appearance. Dr. Doom, who is now disfigured, comes to the newcomer to team up or steal his power and is effected by the alien. Coming in contact with him effects Johnny (Chris Evans), as shown in the commercials and effects the others.
It was a good movie, it did not suck.

The Silver Surfer was employed by Galactus to destroy planets--in exchange for sparing his planet. Just when Sue and Reed are finally getting married, the silver dude makes his appearance. Dr. Doom, who is now disfigured, comes to the newcomer to team up or steal his power and is effected by the alien. Coming in contact with him effects Johnny (Chris Evans), as shown in the commercials and effects the others.
It was a good movie, it did not suck.
Saturday, June 16
Possible Dogma Sequel?

Now there is the rumored sequel since 2005, that Kevin said in an interview that while he hasn't written or planned anything, he did however give some thought to an apocalyptic story with the Last Scion--which I guess is Bethany's daughter (probably played by Alanis Morissette). He thought more about it since 9/11, I think it speaks strongly about Smith. I think it would be cool but I am concerned about his safety because he says the story most likely will anger Islam, which he says he might have to consider. Also, he says this may be years away. Even though he loved "Clerks 2" and not many liked it and not many like "Dogma." There you go.
Wednesday, June 13
Rescue Me Season Four Premiere Review
Our favorite sport-loving, homophobic (yet the show isn't) and prank-pulling brotherhood of fire fighters have gone sentimental. Tommy Gavin (Dennis Leary) listens to Joyce B. and constant worrying about his drug-experimenting and vomiting drunk daughter and his equally vomit-spilling newborn son. Kenny can't deal with his sex-crazed girlfriend who happened to be a nun, Sean's new wife (Tommy's sister) is porn-crazed and Franco's girl-chasing days may be over with his girlfriend who happens to have a horny obscenity-spewing brother. Everyone is saying how the show is red hot, I have always liked the show but I feel this episode is pretty much same of the same. I wouldn't have it any other way, because when watching it, it really does feel like a family and that's alright with me. I just wish Sheila disappears.
Check out the Rescue Me Red Hot Hunks on my new blog
Lil' Bush Review
Tuesday, June 12
Kyle XY Season Two Premiere Review

The episode was called "The Prophecy," I'll try not to be spoiler-y. And if you don't want more spoilers, don't go to the gallery on TV.com. Least to say it was an excellent episode. This is an ideal mesh of Science Fiction show and Family drama. It has established its mythology and some have said this episode has a lot of exposition but I love exposition. Well in the first episode of the second season, you get plenty of answers. The answer is feasible in its sci-fi world. You don't exactly get more questions but you get a feeling of what is coming up. Great performances from Marguerite MacIntyre, Matt Dallas, and Nicholas Lea, whose character Thomas Foss is a grey character but definitely wants to do the decent thing and protect Kyle.
Monday, June 11
Unknown Hotties of the Week 6/11/07

He currently lives in St. Petersberg, Fla.

More on him on my new blog.

More on him on my new blog.

19 year old actor Matt worked with Danneel Harris and Elisabeth Harnois in Ten Inch Heroes before getting the role of 'psycho' Derek in One Tree Hill.

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