Explaining the title: I am forty-something Latino who has a fondness for the Japanese culture and speak Spanglish--Spanish and English. Some people say "Span-English" so I mixed it with "Engrish," which is how some Japanese pronounce English.
Tuesday, July 27
Brad Garrett Week

Michael leaving The Office is A-Okay with Me
I haven't mention this and it has been a while, but I think it is a good thing that Steve Carrell is leaving the Office because Michael Scott as a character is played out. I hate how more petty he has gotten, he never learned his lessons, as long as he leaves with Holly, his story line can be completed. As for the show loosing its flair after he leaves, I think it is fine, because it is not like "That 70's Show" when Eric left or "Happy Days" when that dude left. This show is different, Jim and Pam are the heart.
Sunday, July 25
Jane Lynch as Sam's Mom in iCarly

Update: The episode will premiere Sept 11 2010.
Tuesday, July 20
Sunday, July 18
Defending the Nick and Disney Kid Shows
I am a sub teacher now and I have a nephew and he watches he likes Nick and Disney. The kids too like it, and I feel like I know what they are talking about. Many people just regard these following shows as kid shows and have no good writing but here are some of my thoughts.
The Good Ones:

One of the best shows recently from Nick. When I was a kid, the biggest shows on Nick at that time was The Secret World of Alex Mack, Clarissa Explains It All, etc. This show at first look is obnoxious but in fact, it is pretty clever. It is about a teenage girl that does a webshow from her artistic brother's apartment with two friends. It was real great writing. Some of my friends say that Carly as a character is bland and the thing to watch is his brother Spencer. Negatives: The villain in early episodes was a web-blogger named Nevel who was effeminate and wasn't stated was gay but was clearly a gay villain; also there was these two opposing 'pet-ographers' who were clearly gay. I don't like how it is showing that femininity in males is a bad thing or a thing to oppose or make fun of. As always, the interactions between teachers, principal and students is not 'real' enough.

When I first saw an episode, I thought it was obnoxious and didn't understand the premise. It is about a girl named Sonny joining her favorite sketch show ala "All That," the show is done by the guy who wrote for "All That." They film next to a drama like Drawson's Creek called Mckenzie Falls and the star falls for Sonny. Anyhoo, many regard the show as a variety showcase as it has comedy, drama and singing. But I like the writing, it is witty and original, especially the episode about originality and 'dabbling.' And the sketch "The Real princesses of New Jersey." It is genuinely funny. Negatives: The acting sometimes can be a turn-off and also the fart jokes (yet Gassie is a veiled parody of fart joke sketches) and the duo of Nico and Grady sometimes are annoying.

Easily regarded as a Harry Potter-rip-off but the show has its own mythology: A sister and two brothers, have to compete to see who will be the 'family wizard' and keep the powers. The show is applauded to be a mixed-race family, Italians and Mexicans. I thought that since they live in New York, their mother would be Puerto Rican but it is refreshing they didn't go with a cliche. Alex (Selena Gomez) as a character can be a bit much, annoying in her scheming ways. And when Max was younger, he was irritating, his acting has gotten better. The real attraction is Harper, a true friend and creative dress maker. Negatives: Some of the crappy effects. In the episode where both Justin and Alex loose their werewolf boyfriend and vampire girlfriend, the set is pretty lame. And one time they were hunting monsters and the monsters were lamer than anything on Sci-Fi channel. Also in one episode, they made us sympathetic to a wizard that is a lot like Alex but then is found out to be 'evil' so she is turned to ice and is broken into little pieces---which no one bats an eye or cares about to the fact that they killed a human.

I have reviewed this show before. Teenage monster hunters. It can be a bit redundant but it has its quirks. Not overtly original but it is a nice successor to Are You Afraid of the Dark and The Secret World of Alec Mack. Negatives: The obnoxious sister, some of the boring plots.
Here are the bad shows:

Utter crap. I am so tired of seeing the face of Victoria Justice. She can barely act and for a show about creative people, it is not awfully creative. The actress playing her sister is a fat face annoying person (maybe its the bad writing for her or her acting). Positives: She's Hispanic?

An awful run-of-the-mill family sitcom, there is nothing special about this trash. It is an utter waste of the actress who played Justin's girlfriend in Wizards. This probably is a vehicle for both her and that guy playing her brother, the girl has promise. The actress playing her mother should never get hired again, it is sad to see her try to be funny or even act. She isn't very appealing, it puts me off. Positives: None.

Boy Band show. No smart jokes. Not even funny. Over-exaggerated fluff. Positives: Only one of the guys are remotely cute, the others are not my type at all. One is the token Hispanic but is ugly, one is like James Van Der Beek (suppose to be cute but isn't) and one has awful bangs and sunbaked face.

Can't stand this show. I have tried to give the show a chance on multiple occasions but it is just awful. The worse part is Miley Cyrus, whose acting is horrendous and annoying. Apparently she thinks shouting her lines is affective. I often like to call the show "Jem for retards." Positives: Girls seems to love it.

I am on the fence about this show. I do watch it. It is semi-entertaining. But it gets old quick. They wedged in the black actor, who was weened in that Tyler Perry show so he clearly knows the sitcom business but his character seems to have no purpose. And the characters 'visit' other countries (via sets or Disney's Epcot Center), but they are filled with stereotypes and nothing new to give. It would have been refreshing if they actually taught kids real facts on these countries.
Wednesday, July 14
Levi Johnston to be Married man?

We didn't know we were still together but they are now engaged. Many wonder if this is a publicity stunt, also that supposedly Sarah didn't even know. “It is intimidating and scary just to think about what her reaction is going to be. Hopefully she will jump on board,” Bristol told the magazine. “I want her to know Levi has grown up and that he is going to be there as a dad.” From Kathy Griffin, we definitely know Levi has a place.
Washington Post
Washington Post
Sunday, July 11
CapriSun's Disrespectoids: Killing Children

Saturday, July 10
Camp Rock 2 Teaching kids about hype
Friday, July 9
Miami has 'Dream Team' Fever

Tuesday, July 6
Rapunzel getting no love for her movie!

Monday, July 5
Toy Story Trilogy Review
In 1995, the first computer-animated movie was released. I can see this movie over and over again, it is the most original movie to be related to Disney. Pixar, by no question, are better storytellers than the current Disney brood. We all know the story behind the scenes, of Black Friday where they had a badass Woody and the movie almost got canceled (partly because Katenzberg asked for 'more edge') and how it began with the short film "Tin Toy" and it was going to be a TV movie but then get upgraded to movie by Disney. Woody originally was a ventriloquist dummy and Buzz was to be red and more theatrical. In the final project, Woody indeed had some edge. The Plot: Woody is Andy's favorite toy and Buzz Lightyear becomes the new favorite toy. Andy is jealous of Buzz, who isn't aware he is a toy and thinks he is an actual hero. Andy gets Buzz knocked out the window, Andy has no choice to take Woody out with him and Buzz follows them. They end up getting lost and kidnapped by Sid, who threatens to blow them up.
At the point where Buzz is accidentally dropped out of the window, the movie felt a bit alienating but the movie did get pretty good with the emotional stuff where the toys end up in Sid's House. One of my favorite writers Joss Whedon helped with the structure of the movie, the only thing he can remember writing was "Wind the Frog." So they added the frog toy. One idea Joss had was to have Barbie, but Mattel didn't allow it. I liked their reason, that little girls have a vision for how Barbie should be and didn't want to give one solid vision. Joss wanted Barbie to be tough and hero and be like Sarah Connor. The humans do get kind of creepy looking and seeing it 15 years later, the movie does look old, the computer graphics are great but they do look outdated. But I still like the design and style. I saw the movie in the theaters, had the tape and recently got the DVD.
At the point where Buzz is accidentally dropped out of the window, the movie felt a bit alienating but the movie did get pretty good with the emotional stuff where the toys end up in Sid's House. One of my favorite writers Joss Whedon helped with the structure of the movie, the only thing he can remember writing was "Wind the Frog." So they added the frog toy. One idea Joss had was to have Barbie, but Mattel didn't allow it. I liked their reason, that little girls have a vision for how Barbie should be and didn't want to give one solid vision. Joss wanted Barbie to be tough and hero and be like Sarah Connor. The humans do get kind of creepy looking and seeing it 15 years later, the movie does look old, the computer graphics are great but they do look outdated. But I still like the design and style. I saw the movie in the theaters, had the tape and recently got the DVD.

Released in 1999, I was already 17 and didn't see the movie in theaters. I did rent the movie and having no expectations, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought having Jesse was a bit too tacked on, like adding a female character that looks like the male protagonist but it was a clever story. Woody was from his own franchise, like the Buzz franchise, three toys from the franchise had different stories. Jesse had abandonment issues, Stinky Pete was a jerk--haven't be rejected and never been bought and the horse Bullseye, who is like a dog--loyal and caring. We also got the villain Al (Wayne Knight). Another stroke of genius was to have Kelsey Grammer as the voice of Stinky Pete. Andy had grown up a bit and Woody was convinced to be a collectible because he knew Andy would soon abandon him like Jesse was. I liked how Jesse had some edge, she wasn't easily pushed over. Buzz leads a group of our favorite characters: Potato Head, Hamm and Rex and have a heck of an adventure to get Woody.
I did like how they got to all be outside and far from their house for once, the movie was a bit like the first one where Woody saved Buzz and now Buzz saved Woody, but I think it was different conceptually and structurally. It does make me wonder if the creators had in purpose that the villains of the first two movies: Sid and Al, both male, abuse or do things to toys in different ways. Sid was creative with his toys, he abused some (blowing up a Commander Carl) and mutated some (the Spider Baby). Al was a collector, he left his toys on shelves to collect dust. The only character flaws they had was Sid didn't respect his toys and Al was just greedy (money). The other villain Stinky Pete was conniving, smart and vengeful. One flaw in the movie is how Buzz quickly scoffed at Woody wanting to be a collectible so quickly, it would have helpef to have more context or lines about it.

11 years after the sequel and 15 years after the first one, we all know the story how Disney threatened to make their own 3rd movie without Pixar. Pixar blew them out of the water with their concept. A fully realized concept that fits right in with the other two movies with plenty of references to the movies. The beginning dream sequence is a more bloated and elaborate opening where Andy played with his toys in the first movie, with the additions of Buzz, Jesse, Bullseye, Mrs. Potato Head, and three Aliens. Andy has grown up and is plenty cute, he is off to college and hasn't played with his toys for years. He has only kept 11 toys: Woody, Buzz, Jesse, Bullseye, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Rex, Hamm, and the three aliens (for some reason). I am sure lots of people have seen the movie, and you haven't, you should see because it's great, so I'm going spoil anyway.
Andy is told to put garbage in black garbage bags and stuff to go to college in college box. He puts Woody in his college box and the others in a garbage bag, planning to put it in the attic. He goes to help his little sister and leaves the bag. The attic ladder is closed by accident. The toys are insulted and disappointed they are in the garbage and have no idea he meant to put them in the attic. Mom finds the bag and puts it on the curb. Sid makes a cameo as a garbageman. The toys escape the garbage and go in a box that will go to Sunnyside daycare, Woody tries to deter them but ends up going with them. The daycare seems like paradise, Woody escapes but ends up being taken by a cute little creative girl by the name of Bonnie. The toys soon find out that the daycare is no heaven, they are trashed and abused by pre-school babies and it was all engineered by the Care Bear-like Lotso, who was originally supposed to be in the Tin Toy TV Movie. Lotso has an interesting backstory and is much like Stinky Pete as they are evil toys. Ken doll is a interesting character, as he initially is Lotso's soldier but slowly becomes one of the good guys.
Barbie, even though being Andy's sister Molly's old toy, does stick with the other toys and come through for them. Ken's initial outfit is based on Safari Ken, the producers had found him in Keeping Ken but have not credited the webmaster for it. The webmaster was hoping for tickets to the premiere but who knows if it happened. The movie gets pretty dark and I like it, it is deliciously dark. There is a creepy symbol monkey, which I covered before that I was scared of. The eyes are the freakiest part. Anyway, my 23-year-old nephew told me the movie would make me cry as he did. I started crying at the part where after the toys escape the daycare, end up in a garbage dump and are about to be incinerated in big fire. They all have been through so much and I see these toys, that we have grown to love for 15 years, as a set, inseparable. Lots of people identify with Andy and toys because when the first movie came out, those kids that saw it, are now college age, much like the real life voice actor, John Morris, was 8 when the first movie was recorded and is now 25, he has provided the voice for all 3 movies. The ending is very touching as Andy says goodbye to his toys and there is a happy ending, albeit bittersweet.
DVD Review,
Movie Review,
Sunday, July 4
Pixar cancels one of its upcoming films

What happens when the last remaining male and female blue-footed newts on the planet are forced together by science to save the species, and they can’t stand each other? That’s the problem facing Newt and Brooke, heroes of “newt,” the Pixar film by seven-time Academy Award(R) winner for sound Gary Rydstrom, and director of Pixar’s Oscar-nominated short, “Lifted.” Newt and Brooke embark on a perilous, unpredictable adventure and discover that finding a mate never goes as planned, even when you only have one choice. Love, it turns out, is not a science.
Newt was supposed to be relased in summer of 2011 by Disney/Pixar and then moved to 2012 but now is canceled. Newt was originally slated to hit theaters next summer, but was moved back to 2012 to make room for Cars 2. However, with both Brave (formerly The Bear and the Bow) and Monsters, Inc. 2 set for 2012, Newt mysteriously disappeared from the schedule. Rumors are that the reason it was canceled is because of two films that have similar plots of dying species, one about macaws by Fox and one of wolves that will be released by Lionsgate.
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