Andy Hallett, who starred as Lorne ("the Host") on the TV series Angel, died of heart failure last night at age 33, according to his longtime agent and friend Pat Brady. After a five-year battle with heart disease, Hallett died on March 29, 2009 at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, with his father Dave Hallett by his side.
Explaining the title: I am forty-something Latino who has a fondness for the Japanese culture and speak Spanglish--Spanish and English. Some people say "Span-English" so I mixed it with "Engrish," which is how some Japanese pronounce English.
Monday, March 30
Tribute: Andy Hallett
Andy Hallett, who starred as Lorne ("the Host") on the TV series Angel, died of heart failure last night at age 33, according to his longtime agent and friend Pat Brady. After a five-year battle with heart disease, Hallett died on March 29, 2009 at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, with his father Dave Hallett by his side.
Sunday, March 22
The friend with Lisa Kudrow in Nintendo DS Commercial
Lisa Kudrow is in the Nintendo DS commercial for Professor Layton and the Curious Village with Lynn Brown Kogen, wife of Jay Kogen, producer of "The Simpsons" and "Malcolm in the Middle." They are friends.
Friday, March 20
Dollhouse Episode 6: Damn Good
Dollhouse has been good but it has gotten Whendon-good, supposedly this is the last epiosde that the FOX network has tampered with. Thank god it hasn't been canceled yet, "Wonderfalls" only lasted 4 episodes. It has the Whedon-ian twists. The detective in search of the Dollhouse has finally fond Echo face to face, but she is programmed to be Patton Oswalt's wife. He is always delightful to watch and the go-to guy to be a prick. Anyhoo, the trail goes cold and Ballard hooks up with his plus-size neighbor Mellie who has been flirting with him. In the Dollhouse, while Victor has been getting boners for Sierra, there is suspicion she has been raped. Echo's father-like keeper finds out it is Sierra's jackass protector and he is punished... by being assigned to kill Tahmod's neighbor... SPOILER ALERT in white
So in a turn of events, while Echo is sent to distract Agent Ballard while Sierra's handler is sent to kill Mellie but the catch is that Mellie is actually an active and is activated to kill the rapist employee. Just like Victor's actor Enver Gjokaj was originally said to be hired as Victor, then then revealed to be Lubov, but then hired to be Victor. Joss Whedon has stated about Miracle Laurie (Mellie) that "the show simply moves too fast now for me to do what I wanted with her". He has hinted, however, that the character November may emerge later in the series.
Cool Show.
So in a turn of events, while Echo is sent to distract Agent Ballard while Sierra's handler is sent to kill Mellie but the catch is that Mellie is actually an active and is activated to kill the rapist employee. Just like Victor's actor Enver Gjokaj was originally said to be hired as Victor, then then revealed to be Lubov, but then hired to be Victor. Joss Whedon has stated about Miracle Laurie (Mellie) that "the show simply moves too fast now for me to do what I wanted with her". He has hinted, however, that the character November may emerge later in the series.
Cool Show.
Wednesday, March 18
South Park: Superheroes and Villains

Tuesday, March 17
Dora the Explorer's Controversial Growth Spurt

DailyNews | Latino
Monday, March 16
Kyle XY: Great Shows get Canceled

Sunday, March 15
Desperate Housewives Women's age turnarounds

Tuesday, March 10
The Watchmen Movie Review

I can understand how a comic book superhero movie can be intimidating or seem dumb to a person who doesn't know about Watchmen, which is barely known to the mainstream. But if you like The Dark Knight and/or Spider-Man, than you will enjoy this movie. This movie is not for children or the faint of heart. The basic plot of the Watchmen is... what if? What if superheroes or vigilantes would actually exist? It is set in the 80's, where Nixon is still president and we are still in war with the Russians and in fear of Nuclear bombs. Basically, one former vigilante (as vigilantes have been outlawed) has been murdered and one vigilante who has not quit---Rorschach (above) researches.

Since I once reviewed the Graphic Novel back in 2006, I wasn't a Watchmen-know-it-all before but now consider myself a big fan. I really do see a bit of myself with most of the characters, I can identify with Laurie, Dan, Rorschach, and Dr. Manhattan. This is a good fucking movie! It is fucking loyal to the book! It is not a page by page enactment. It is just like any book-to-movie adaption, scenes are taken out and scenes are smooshed together and characters are removed or exchanged and this happens here. The movie is wonderfully stylish and still pushes on the point. Wonderfully casted with people who I would have not imagine in the roles, they do fairly well. Theater buff Patrick Wilson plays Dan/Nite Owl (II) as the flabby sadsack he is, maybe with some youthful exuberance but still sadsack. He plays the cowboy, defiantly. Even though I would have picked someone older, Patrick has to play buff Dan and sadsack Dan in the movie, so he was a good choice.

Tuesday, March 3
The South Park Seasons: The Good and The Bad
Just like I did with The Simpsons, I decided to cover South Park.
Crude, rude, classic South Park:
Crude, rude, classic South Park:
The first season is very memorable and established its crude humor. The first episode has been 'remade' in little snippets throughout the life of the series, well, only in Season 6's "Free Hat" and Season 7's "Canceled." Gems: Big Gay Al, Mecha-Streisand, Mr. Hankey, Pinkeye, Tom's Rhinoplasty, An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig, Death, Stravin' Marvin, and the finale Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut cliffhanger. Bad: Some parts of Tom's Rhinoplasty and Damien.
"Terrance & Phillip in Not Without My Anus" pissed off many fans and it was hilarious to me and finally found out that Ms. Cartman is Cartman's dad. My Favorites: My Clubhouses (Stan's parents get divorced!), City on the Edge of Forever (cliphouse) and Chickenpox Gems: Ike's Wee Wee, Conjoined Fetus Lady, Spookyfish, and Merry Christmas, Charlie Mason! Bad: Gnomes, Roger Ebert... (the planetiarium one). This season wasn't as gross and was much more poignant (Conjoined Fetus Lady) and I think by far it is the most feminist for the series.
Hell-a Sweet Era
My favorite season! It is fun and pretty and coloful. Gems: Rainforest Schmainforest, Spontaneous Combustion, The Succubus, Jackovasaurus, Chinpokomon, "Hooked on Monkey Phonics, World Wide Recorder Concert My Favorites: Tweek vs. Craig ("Push me higher, Richard!"), Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics, Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus, The Red Badge of Gayness (Civial War reenactment), and Starvin Marvin in Space (Marklar!) And for those who don't know, these three episodes all happened on the same night, everyone split up... "Cat Orgy" (Cartman and Shelly), "Two Guys Naked in a Tub" (Stan, Butters, Pip and Dougie) and "Jewbilee" (Kyle and Kenny).
Season 4
The season that introduced Timmy. My Favorites: Helen Keller! The Musical, Cartman Joins NAMBLA Gems: Cherokee Hair Tampons, Chef Goes Naners, Timmy 2000, Quintuplets 2000, Do the Hanicapped go to Hell?, Probably, Trapper Keeper, The Wacky Molestation Adventure, Fat Camp and A Very Crappy Christmas. Bad: Pip, 4th Grade Classic: Kyle wants to go to a concert and his parents tell him to bring democracy to Cuba and he does so with a homage to "The Year Without Christmas."
Season 5
Best Season Ever! Not one bad episode. "Towelie" was supposed to be bad. This season is monumental with the introduction of Jimmy and goodbye to Kenny. Good: It Hits the Fan, Cripple Fight, Super Best Friends, Behind the Blow, Towelie, The Entity (Kyle's jew stereotypical cousin visits), Here Comes the Neighborhood, Butters Episode, Proper Condom Use (boys vs. girls), How to Eat Your Own Butt (Cartman blows a funny bone), and finally Kenny Dies. My Favorites: Scott Tenorman Must Die, Cartmanland, Osama Bin Ladin episode
Season 10
Most of these weren't all completely funny, some memorable moments but not all great. The episodes I have as 'good' are classic, perfect. Good: Smug Alert!, Cartoon Wars Part 1 & 2, Make Love, Not Warfraft, Tsst!, Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy, Hell on Earth 2006, Go God Go! Part 1 and XII; The Distrubing: The Return of Chef; Bad: A Million Little Fibers, ManBearPig, Mystery of the Urinal Deuce; So-So: Stanley's Cup
Season 11
Too righteous to be funny. Good: With Apologies to Jesse Jackson, Cartman Sucks, The Sunke, D-Yikes!, Le Petit Tourette, More Crap, Imiginationland, Night of the Living Homeless, and The List; So-So: Guitar Queer-O, Lice Capades, Fantastic Easter Special
Season 12
Too righteous to be funny, notice how I have only 4 of them as good. Good: Britney's New Look, Elementary School Musical ("If this is cool, I'm going to kill myself"), About Last Night... (Obama) and The Ungroundable (Vampires vs. the Goths); So-So: Major Boobage, Super Fun Time, and Pandemic part 1 & 2; Not so funny: Canada on Strike, Breast Cancer Show Ever, Tonsil Trouble, and The China Problem
The season that introduced Timmy. My Favorites: Helen Keller! The Musical, Cartman Joins NAMBLA Gems: Cherokee Hair Tampons, Chef Goes Naners, Timmy 2000, Quintuplets 2000, Do the Hanicapped go to Hell?, Probably, Trapper Keeper, The Wacky Molestation Adventure, Fat Camp and A Very Crappy Christmas. Bad: Pip, 4th Grade Classic: Kyle wants to go to a concert and his parents tell him to bring democracy to Cuba and he does so with a homage to "The Year Without Christmas."
Best Season Ever! Not one bad episode. "Towelie" was supposed to be bad. This season is monumental with the introduction of Jimmy and goodbye to Kenny. Good: It Hits the Fan, Cripple Fight, Super Best Friends, Behind the Blow, Towelie, The Entity (Kyle's jew stereotypical cousin visits), Here Comes the Neighborhood, Butters Episode, Proper Condom Use (boys vs. girls), How to Eat Your Own Butt (Cartman blows a funny bone), and finally Kenny Dies. My Favorites: Scott Tenorman Must Die, Cartmanland, Osama Bin Ladin episode
Season 6
With no Kenny, it was Butters' time to shine and Tweak became the new fourth friend. And then by the end, Cartman drank Kenny's ashes. Good: Simpsons Already Did it, The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer, Professor Chaos, Asspen, Fun With Veal, Ladder to Heaven, Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society, Child Abduction is Not Funny, The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers, The Death Camp of Tolerance (Lemmiwinks), My Future Self and Me My Favorites: The Biggest Douche in the Universe and Free Hat So-so: Jared Has Adies and Red Sleigh Down
With no Kenny, it was Butters' time to shine and Tweak became the new fourth friend. And then by the end, Cartman drank Kenny's ashes. Good: Simpsons Already Did it, The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer, Professor Chaos, Asspen, Fun With Veal, Ladder to Heaven, Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society, Child Abduction is Not Funny, The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers, The Death Camp of Tolerance (Lemmiwinks), My Future Self and Me My Favorites: The Biggest Douche in the Universe and Free Hat So-so: Jared Has Adies and Red Sleigh Down
Super Hit or Miss
Season 7
Good: Cancelled, I'm a Little Bit Country, Lil' Crime Stoppers, South Park is Gay! (Meterosexual), All About the Mormons, Raisins, It's Christmas in Canada So-So: Toliet Paper, Red Man's Greed (Native Americans give SARS to Americans), Grey Dawn (old people driving) Not so funny: Krazy Kripples, Casa Bonita (Cartman tricks Butters into apocolypse), Butt Out (Cigarettes, Ron Reiner); My Favorite: Fat Butt and Pancake Head
Good: Cancelled, I'm a Little Bit Country, Lil' Crime Stoppers, South Park is Gay! (Meterosexual), All About the Mormons, Raisins, It's Christmas in Canada So-So: Toliet Paper, Red Man's Greed (Native Americans give SARS to Americans), Grey Dawn (old people driving) Not so funny: Krazy Kripples, Casa Bonita (Cartman tricks Butters into apocolypse), Butt Out (Cigarettes, Ron Reiner); My Favorite: Fat Butt and Pancake Head
Season 8
Good: Good Times with Weapons, The Passion of the Jew, The Jeffersons, You got F'ed in the A, AWESOM-O, Goobacks, Up the Down Steroid, Something Wal-Mart This Way Comes, Quest for Ratings (Puppies with close-up lense) So-so: Douche and Turd, Cartman's Incredible Gift Distrubing: Woodland Critter Christmas Favorite: Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset (I like how the series always have an episode centered around girls' issues like "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" and "Raisins."
Good: Good Times with Weapons, The Passion of the Jew, The Jeffersons, You got F'ed in the A, AWESOM-O, Goobacks, Up the Down Steroid, Something Wal-Mart This Way Comes, Quest for Ratings (Puppies with close-up lense) So-so: Douche and Turd, Cartman's Incredible Gift Distrubing: Woodland Critter Christmas Favorite: Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset (I like how the series always have an episode centered around girls' issues like "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" and "Raisins."
Season 9
Fans were divided with Mr. Garrison's sex change. Some episodes were still hit and miss. Good: Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina, Best Friends Forever, Wing (American Idol), Die Hippie Die, The Losing Edge, The Death of Eric Cartman, Follow that egg! (Stan and Kyle raise an egg), Trapped in the Closet, Ginger Kids, Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow, Bloody Mary; So-so: Erection Day, Free Willzyx
Fans were divided with Mr. Garrison's sex change. Some episodes were still hit and miss. Good: Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina, Best Friends Forever, Wing (American Idol), Die Hippie Die, The Losing Edge, The Death of Eric Cartman, Follow that egg! (Stan and Kyle raise an egg), Trapped in the Closet, Ginger Kids, Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow, Bloody Mary; So-so: Erection Day, Free Willzyx
Most of these weren't all completely funny, some memorable moments but not all great. The episodes I have as 'good' are classic, perfect. Good: Smug Alert!, Cartoon Wars Part 1 & 2, Make Love, Not Warfraft, Tsst!, Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy, Hell on Earth 2006, Go God Go! Part 1 and XII; The Distrubing: The Return of Chef; Bad: A Million Little Fibers, ManBearPig, Mystery of the Urinal Deuce; So-So: Stanley's Cup
Too righteous to be funny. Good: With Apologies to Jesse Jackson, Cartman Sucks, The Sunke, D-Yikes!, Le Petit Tourette, More Crap, Imiginationland, Night of the Living Homeless, and The List; So-So: Guitar Queer-O, Lice Capades, Fantastic Easter Special
Season 12
Too righteous to be funny, notice how I have only 4 of them as good. Good: Britney's New Look, Elementary School Musical ("If this is cool, I'm going to kill myself"), About Last Night... (Obama) and The Ungroundable (Vampires vs. the Goths); So-So: Major Boobage, Super Fun Time, and Pandemic part 1 & 2; Not so funny: Canada on Strike, Breast Cancer Show Ever, Tonsil Trouble, and The China Problem
Monday, March 2
Medium's re-creation of Juno
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