Explaining the title: I am forty-something Latino who has a fondness for the Japanese culture and speak Spanglish--Spanish and English. Some people say "Span-English" so I mixed it with "Engrish," which is how some Japanese pronounce English.
Monday, June 30
The Middleman Blog & Origins

Sunday, June 29
Little Known Muppet Projects #2: Inner Tube/Lead Free TV

Little Known Muppet Projects #1: Little Muppet Monsters

I've always felt that the juxtapositioning of live-action and animated Muppets invited an unfavorable comparison, to which the cartoon version inevitably suffered; the puppetry was just too good. The combination of Muppet babies, adults and kid monsters was very disorienting. Also, due to a lack of development time, the concept -- and therefore, the writing and designs -- never quite jelled. The now-vacant second half-hour was filled with repeats of the first season's Muppet Babies episodes, and the ratings stayed strong."
I admit it is indeed confusing. One episode is available on the internet now, and to see the Muppets we known from the muppet show to be in muppet form, adults and babies in cartoons is disorientating. Also, the adult muppets look creepy animated, I guess because we are used to see them without feet. The three monster kids were also seen briefly in the special The Muppets: A Celebration of 30 Years, which was broadcast in January, 1986. The special was shot before the decision was made to take Monsters off the air, so the show cheerfully plugged the Muppets' latest production -- even though that production had been canceled four months earlier. So I was confused to see it as I never seen or heard of them before.
Saturday, June 28
George Carlin Day
I love George Carlin, he was a great man, actor, and comedian. I first discovered him when he had that FOX sitcom. Today, this Saturday, I tuned in on Bravo in the morning and they were showing the Actor's Studio with George Carlin. I never sat down and watched it before, he was a very smart and linguistic man. And of course, at night NBC showed the first ever Saturday Night Live, in which he hosted. And as you may or may not know, NBC and Bravo are both owned by GE.
Thursday, June 26
Carlos Mencia admits to homophobia

Gay Parents adopting issue on 30 Days

I was kinda disappointed they concentrated mostly on her and not the couple she stayed with but maybe because they were a bit more reserved than last week's hosts---last week was about a meat-eater living with vegans and the vegan host was a bit more outspoken. So, yeah what was funny was that this woman in this episode was crying and hated being confronted and kept saying she wasn't an expert on the subject and what is funny about that is that is how I feel most of the time when confronting hostile straight people. What I hate the most is when they don't see homophobic and say they aren't but still say hurtful things and are so smug about it. So she felt attacked but that is how we feel most of the time. In the end, she didn't want to change or budge, even though she has grown to love them and didn't like that the kids didn't hang out with her anymore--it was because of the conflict between her and their parents. Many of the pro-people were pushing on her that if gay parents can't adopt, then many many children end up with no homes. And I agree, many they came up too absolute and too strong, but maybe that is how it was edited, but they could have attempted easing into it.
She expected to be civil with everyone even though they have opposing views and that is not a bad idea, it might be naive but it is an ideal. I wish we could all come to compromises in the name of our children's safety. And just because they are raised by a straight couple, it doesn't mean they will be raised by sane and people of honor. One thing I liked what one of the parents said, "Gay parents are not accidental parents." Indeed, they are the only parents who choose to be parents and are not like.. oops. I'm late!
Sunday, June 22
Taco Bell's stupid "Queso Dip"
Taco Bell has this new "Queso Dip" and the commercial makes it sound like it is 'crazy and spicy' dip. But it is CHEESE! Queso or Cay-so means cheese. If the Taco Bell dip is spicy, then that is theres but don't call it 'queso' if it is just CHEESE.
I looked it up and it is an actual spicy salsa called 'salsa con queso' and that is salsa with cheese. Salsa typically is spicy.
Thursday, June 19
Kathy Griffin: Life on the D-List tonight was a riot

Torturing and making fun of Tom is a treat. love his brother. And it is no surprise everyone loves Tom, he is goofy, shady, skeezy, kinda fulgy fuckable. The show is so freaking funny. When Kathy said 'yes' when agreeing to adopt a gay crack baby, she seemed so WASP, showing more levels to the comediane... comic.
Tuesday, June 17
Disneyland in Brazil?

Just when you thought Disney Resorts had learned their lesson with "Eurodisney," there are plans to build in Burle Max Park, which is a nature reserve. The capital's government has offered Disney a 30-year lease on 175 hectares (432 acres) in Burle Marx Park for the attraction. So far it is a rumor and supposedly in the works,so it may not even happen.
Monday, June 16
The Middleman Premiere Review

Favorite Quote: "Quit calling me f****n dubbie."
Sunday, June 15
Cleveland Moves into his own Spin-Off

Sad part is that Cleveland is the ONLY African-American lead character in any form of TV Show in the next season and pointed out by Entertainment Weekly, FOX did not have the balls to have it up for fall, but mid-season. I like the logo but Donna looks like Lois. I would have rather some one-off character get a spin-off like Herbert the pervert (what kind of pitch would that entail right?), Adam West, or the news anchors. Hey, how about a Trisha Tankanawa spin-off? Being the only adult American cartoon to be lead by an Asian. But I don't like how the Bears have Latino accents!!! If they wanted Latinos, they should just have Latinos. Okay now we are more invisible and bears, of course the voice actor is probably not hispanic.
The Importance of Father's Day

Wednesday, June 11
Will Smith on Despierte America

Will Smith sounded like any Miami American child of Latin parents, not too sure how to navigate through Spanish, sprinkling English words and trying to translate grammatically. This is not insult, at least he was trying. When he started talking about his new movie Hancock, he started getting into English. And then all of the sudden, the translator started translating into spanish and he had a deep voice.
Tuesday, June 10
Monday, June 9
My Take on Hilary Clinton and her Presidential Campaign

Obama with a white man = 48 hours, Lethal Weapon
Obama with a Latino man = boxing
Obama with an Asian man = Rush Hour, of course
Obama with Clinton = Driving Mrs. Daisy

Wednesday, June 4
Is it me or is The Happening ... ?
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